𝘂𝗻𝗿𝗲𝗰𝗼𝗴𝗻𝗶𝘇𝗲𝗱 𝗽𝗮𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗻𝘀 . .

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Chuuya was alone in an empty classroom with no door nor a window.

[ did you know? Butterflies cant fly if they're cold . ]

"where the hell am i??", He asked and looked around.

when a familiar voice behind him echoed.

"Nakahara Chuuya. the most lame loser in this earth..", said the voice, who it turned out to be his bestfriend.

"Dazai??-", Chuuya's tone screams confusion.

"Do you know why you're lame?", 'Dazai' asked.

Chuuya stayed quiet..

"Just like butterflies, You employ tricks to avoid being hurt. how lame. ", Said 'Dazai' ..

Chuuya didn't say anything.

"Tell me, why are this supposed 'classroom' only has chairs?", said 'Dazai', smiling.

"How the hell should i know??", Chuuya staring at 'Dazai''s eyes confusedly.

"You'll know." , was the last Chuuya heard before his annoying Alarm started ringing.

Chuuya got up from his sleeping position to turn off the alarm on his phone.

"ughh It's still 6:15 AM... why does school needs us to go at 7:00 AM... too earlyy... " , he yawned.

Chuuya goes on his way to shower, although being practically half asleep and he somehow forgot about the dream he had..

[ An orange flower usually symbolize a joy of living. but what if the orange flower starts to wither away ? ]


Unusually, when chuuya arrived at school, Dazai was already there. most times Chuuya's always earlier than Dazai .

"Ah, Chuuya!! Nice to see you today!", Dazai seems more excited than usual. This feels so unsual in Chuuya's point of view.

"You seem more joyful today.", Said Chuuya. Dazai nodded.

"Can we go to the rooftop at today's lunch break ?" Dazai grabbed Chuuya's hand, carressing it, smiling.

"If you're asking me to do a double suicide, no thanks.", Chuuya declined Dazai's offer.

"NONONONO ITS NOT A DOUBLE SUICIDE!!", Dazai reassures Chuuya.

"hah?? well- okay..? that's weird coming from you.." , Chuuya whispers the last part quietly.

"WOOO!!" , Dazai excitedly cheered, unexpectedly hugging Chuuya.

"DONT HUG ME BASTARD!!!", Chuuya screams.

[ Remember, a butterfly cannot see patterns . ]


In class, Chuuya was purely doing nothing but drawing- daydreaming..

daydreaming about buying new hats.

he was doodling thousands of hats designs.. however, he *was* curious why Dazai had invited him to the rooftop for lunch break.

after what seemed to be 10 years, Chuuya's History class finally ended.

He walked out of his class, on his way to meet his bestfriend.

after grabbing his lunch, he went to the stairs, going to the rooftop.

There he spotted Dazai who was closing his eyes, sitting alone. he walked over to him,

"Oi, Dazai.", Chuuya said with a little wave.

"Ah, Chuuya! come, sit here!", he smiled. Chuuya felt a weird sense of excitement flutter inside him, he didn't know what it was.

Chuuya sat infront of his bestfriend, eating his lunch while the other just stare at the sky.

while having a piece of bread in his mouth, the person infront of him spoke.

"Chuuya, can i tell you something?", his bestfriend asks.

Chuuya just responded with a nod, as a piece of bread was currently in his mouth.

"I love you..", said his bestfriend- Dazai.

Chuuya's eyes widen in disbelief. whispers of his families all mixed up into one, making him distressed, he didn't know what to even reply.

 he grew up with strictly religious parents, he was told it's a sin. but he can't just say 'no' to his mentally unsteady bestfriend. How will Dazai reacts to that?

Now, what should Chuuya do? thoughts of words circles his brain like a train.

[ Did you know that Moths use the light from the moon to help with navigation ?  isn't that similiar like Dazai using Chuuya, the 'light' of his life, to help with his mental health ? ]

"you're joking with me right, Dazai...? ", Chuuya asks, desperate for Dazai to say 'just kidding!' .

However, the words that left by Dazai were-

"Sorry, i need some space now- I'll go first."

he watched him stand up, walking away.

[ a butterfly cannot see patterns. ]


the crowd was screaming and shouting, feeling Joy- excitement-, and so called 'pity' as they gladly watched Dazai being pushed around, kicked like he's a doll for puppetry.

the bullies kicked him to the ground, laughing.

"Where's your little savior now? what's his name again? Chuuna? Chuuya?" again, they laughed seeing Dazai's misery.

"It's Chuuya, the coolest king in earth to be known...", Dazai said smiling although immediately receiving a kick across his face after saying that. everyone started laughing and whispering.

pointing all of their fingers at Dazai, mocking him. although some of them was Chuuya's great friends. Everybody was laughing watching Dazai break apart mentally, even when he's already mentally unsteady. no, in that area, nobody has this thing to call 'pity'. everyone kept on laughing to Dazai's  misfortune.

[  Moths and butterflies cant be viewed the same by society. ]


!!!! A/N :3

i wanr to die

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