𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙖𝙧𝙢𝙤𝙪𝙧 . .

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Chuuya just finished his overall boring math class, he was waiting beside Dazai's locker again.

10 minutes passing by, Dazai hadnt came.

15 minutes passing by, Dazai still hadnt came.

20 minutes passing by..

25 minutes passing by..

'where the hell is he ?' Chuuya thought to himself.

Chuuya had enough of waiting, so he thought he will just go check on the last class Dazai had, History.

he opened the classroom's door, only to find Dazai sitting in the back of class with his left eye slightly bruised.

he immediately approached his bestfriend.

"OI DAZAI WHAT HAPPENED??-" he shouts, his mind sank and his blood boiled in anger.

"-nothing, just some bullies..", said Dazai.

Chuuya's expression felt more than 'anger', only 'rage' can describe it.

but then, it completely changed. he smiled ungeniunely. "Bullies?-" he let out a little chuckle.

Dazai knew what Chuuya was planning to do. he didn't want that..

"Chuuya, whatever you're gonna do, stop." , Said Dazai. but Chuuya avoided what Dazai said, completely changing the subject. "Does your eye hurts?" Chuuya asked with seemingly genuine concern. Dazai stayed quiet for some seconds before saying, "It doesn't really hurt that much."

just like that, Chuuya left the classroom leaving Dazai a little worried, knowing what Chuuya's probably gonna do.


a little while after that, Dazai finally regained his energy to do something other than sitting alone. so he thought of going to his locker because 'Chuuya would probably be there', he thought, it wasn't wrong but it wasn't really what he had hoped for.

-A crowd of people cheering and screaming. there was a fight going on, it was a fight between Chuuya and the girl who had bullied Dazai earlier.

"a fight?"
"yes! its pretty brutal too.."  the area was filled with whispers.

Dazai froze there, not knowing what to do. he did expected that Chuuya would get in a fight with his bullies, but he didn't expected him to actually show no mercy. the beaten up bullies looked like they were needing to be hospitalized soon.


The fight ended with Chuuya winning but needing to go to detention..

Dazai waited for him infront of the school's gate, he waited a quite sum of time, but he couldn't careless..

after around 1 hour and 25 minutes of waiting, Chuuya finally walked out of the school.

Dazai turned to him with stern expression painted on his face.

"You didn't have to do that you know..?", said Dazai.

"I did what i should, i am Nakahara Chuuya afterall! the coolest king who will always protect the most fashionable king!", Chuuya confidently said with his hands on his hips.

"Chuuya.. i just-", Dazai's sentence were interrupted by Chuuya himself.

"Oh shit!! i need to go home right now.. my sister's gonna scold me for hours !! SEE YOU LATER, DAZAI!!!!", The ginger ran as fast as he could.

[ Did you know that butterflies cannot recognize patterns ? ]

Dazai stood there for a few minutes, he was just about to tell him.. maybe he could try again, another time?

yeah, another time..


!!!! A/N :3



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