Episode 12 [HaliSol/1]

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{Note before you continue}
Do not be confused dear readers, it's the start of HaliSol part, as you can call it a scene outside of Castle. Therefore the previous part will connected in episode 14. Stay focused enjoy HaliSol, the start of their Enemy To lover chemistry

It was the time when the kings from different kingdoms, friends or guests related to the Ezekiel kingdom has started to arrive at the place. Each one was being honored by the every type of comfort servings, Ice has arranged for event. But there was still someone who haven't yet arrived, who else if the not the /two/ close friends. Halilintar and Taufan.

"Your majesty, We.. We have gotten late.. Should we speed up-"

"No need" The said king grunts, a moody scowl on his face, for literally no reason, or there is a reason? Nobody knows. After all it's the specialty of this blood red eyed king, known for his anger issues- "keep going with the same phase, no need to hurry.." He rolled his eyes, crossing his arms over his chest, his eyes sharp, 'Even if I got late, that mf isn't waiting for me for any event' he thought.

The king, adorned in rich crimson and gold, led his entourage through the dense forest. Sunlight filtered through the towering trees, casting dappled patterns on the forest floor. The scent of moss and earth lingered in the air as the royal retinue navigated winding paths, as they head towards the Ezekiel castle, the phase of King's chariot, moderate.

Meanwhile, a certain silver-eyed omega navigated throughout the area, keeping an eye out for any common humans that may serve as a threat. The omega, carrying a small basket on his arm, began to hum a soft song, a lullaby his father used to sing to him when he was alive.
Ever since that fairy had join him, his life had become quite.. more lively, more than he would admit. The fairy had introduce himself, as Thorn, a perfect name for the fairy of nature. He had also learn that he is an /omega/, just like himself. The emerald-eyed omega had become his companion ever since.

As if by coincidence, the alpha with blood red eyes, all of a sudden had a strong urge to look outside of his chariot window. As if something was waiting of him, something he will miss if he didn't capture in his eyes.
He sighs, a thought of crossed his mind that it's just a coincidence, maybe he needs fresh air. And he did so, slightly moving closer to window of his Chariot before sliding the small curtains sideway, letting his sharp eyes catch the glimpse of outside area, filled with dense trees, white snowy environment and.. Goddess..? 'Wait..what-..' He paused, his eyes slightly widening when he saw a figure in flowing write fabric, passing away from behind of the dense trees. It was bright and small, not less than a goddess, "Stop here for a moment.." He ordered the knight marching on his horse besides the kings chariot to look after the Royal person's need.
The sharp ruby-eyed alpha could only see the figure's small silhouette through the dense tree. The figure was wearing some sort of a cloak, their face hidden behind. The figure continues to walk, his skirt fluttering with his movements before disappearing through the dense trees and snowy background.

"Your majesty? Is there something wrong-"

"No.." The king immediately retort back, as he slowly got out of his Chariot. His attire typically luxurious garments adorned with intricate embroidery, ornate patterns, and regal colors. This consist of a majestic robe, made of rich fabrics like velvet and silk, embellished with ruby trimmings and gemstones. A crown or we can call it a headpiece, symbolizing royalty and power accompanied by accessories like a scepter and royal insignia. The overall ensemble is designed to convey power, authority, and opulence, "Take a pause here, I'll be right back" He commented, his steps grew towards the dense trees, or towards the direction where he saw that /figure/ "and no need to follow me"

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