Chapter 1

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Every single day was never unusual for her, as she roams the castle walls with a smile on her face, there wasn't a time where servants don't gossip around, nor does she not notice how they steal glances whenever she's near.

"I just don't get it. They're so rude to their princess!" Her lady-in-waiting huffed a breath, not understanding the situation she's in. Her mistress could only laugh, not wanting to argue about something she was right about.

"I mean, please, at least this princess deserves to be respected, and smart!"

"Emma, shush. Someone might hear."

"I'm stating facts, your grace." The girl responded sternly as she brushed the princesss's hair. "After all, your older sister only got the crown because she's the older one."

No lie in that one, she assumes.

"Oh, just stop it. The gathering will be starting in an hour, and you still have yourself to talk about." The noblewoman sighs, still having a smile on her face. "You would want to look presentable today knowing there may be some rich, handsome man out there."

"As if. These events are just full of old, disgusting men to begin with." Emma responded, before leaving the princess be. "Go ahead, and make sure to take care of yourself without me. The Queen has been wanting your presence since this morning."

The princess nodded in understanding, her earrings moving in the same way her head is. Standing up and leaving the room to give her maiden some space to change, her heels clacked as she marches towards her sister's room.

Knocking on her elegant-looking door, she comes in as she saw the Queen getting ready for the said event. Her dress was down to the floor, and her crown was sitting on her head like some kind of display.

"Dorothea, I have been waiting for you." The older woman smiles through the reflection of her mirror. "I was wondering if you want to accompany me when I walk through the entrance later."

"I'll be with Charlotte." She responded immediately, mentioning her little niece. "You have Adam to take care of, after all."

Upon this, Freya made all her servants leave to speak with her younger sister privately. Sighing, she turned around to face her, as she gives a rather small smile.

"Just because Adam is the crowned prince doesn't mean I don't love them equally," Said Freya. "Please, don't make it sound like I don't care for Charlotte like she's not my own daughter."

"That's what Father said, too." The youngest princess smiled, placing her arms behind her back.

Freya could only sigh once more, but more deeply this time. Even if she knew this was how it was going to turn out, she still felt so much guilt. After all, everyone knew who was more deserving to be Queen.

"Please, just this once, walk beside me."

"I'll walk after you. Like how I always do."

She left after that, even after her sister's protests. She didn't want to steal her spotlight, if she doesn't want to cause a huge commotion about how 'the youngest sister wanted the throne all along'.

The event went smoothly right after it started an hour ago, and like always, all attention was on the eldest children who took the crown from their parents. Of course, not that Dorothea was interested in any of that, anyway.

"I hate gatherings." A cute, yet fearless child scoffed, sitting in her chair like some kind of toddler that was threatening to make a tantrum. "They're annoying, and this dress isn't fit for the weather right this instant!"

"You chose that, silly child." She eyed her niece, laughing in the process as the child gave a glare. "I wasn't expecting it to stick to my skin and make me sweat buckets."

Sometimes, she wonders where the young princess learns those languages.

As her older sister was speaking a speech in front of everyone, it was clear that the young girl was helplessly tired of all this yapping and just wants to escape from here. However, it was also clear she wanted fun.

"Aunt Thea, I'm bored."

"Don't go off running somewhere again." She responded. "Remember that one time where you ran? You tripped and cried my ears out because of how your knees were bleeding--Charlotte!"

Yup, her niece wasn't listening and ran off again.

Thankfully, the table she was in was on a small corner, so no one would notice her (or even bother to notice) leave the venue to find her cheetah of a niece. Sighing, she just hoped her legs won't give up and trip herself.

"Charlotte! Charlotte dear where in the world are you?" She called out, but to no vail. She was aware this method wouldn't work, but she had no other option. If she were to find a servant and ask for help, she would just be ignored.

"Oh, Good Sevens, if that child doesn't appear now.."

She tried searching everywhere. The kitchen was no use since that girl just had dinner, the rooms were all empty, the attic wasn't even an option since her niece was afraid of the dark, and the porch was just all but chairs and tables.

The ballroom was where this whole event was held, and both living and dining rooms were also useless to look around for. After all, there was no way for Charlotte to hide or play around there, she knows that kid was smart enough to do so.

She was about to give up, when she figured maybe the garden was an option. Walking towards the beautiful scenery, her eyes caught the sky as it shines stars and the big moon above her. Smiling, she continued on her journey.

"Damn that kid."

Hearing some movements in the bushes that was just around her corner, she turned around to face whoever it might be. She was sure no one could be here, since every nobleman and woman was in the gathering.

Finally appearing and squinting her eyes to look at the shadow, her eyes widened.

Shit, it's him.

No, it can't be.

Yet, mother of mermaids, she feels that it's him.

But how, when it was known that he studies in some school that was a little more popular than most?

Once they looked at each other's eyes, they both stiffed.


She was going to continue the silence, but she chose not to tease him tonight. Slightly smiling out of pure habit, her hands gripped the hem of her skirt, not letting her guard down as she decided not to bow.

After all, who was he, to begin with?

He was only a second-born, and that makes them an equal.

"Blessings to the second prince of Sunset Savanna."

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