Chapter 15

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Time flew by, and before anyone knew it, school started once again.

"Good morning!"


A girl with short, aquamarine hair smiled as she finally stepped into the school she always wanted to attend. To say that she was happy about receiving a letter, was certainly an understatement.

She huffed, trying to make herself as presentable as possible, and dusted off her clothes with her signature spell.

The bag she was holding was a little heavy, and so was her beating heart.

Truth to be told, she was secretly scared. She had so many what if's, and what if no one would like her due to her appearance and nature?

However, she remained smiling and focused. If she wanted to have a normal school life filled with happiness and friends, then of course she was going to enjoy it and kick the negative thoughts away.

"Let me help you with that."

A kind, yet rough voice spoke behind her, which made her jump a little. Turning around, she saw eyes and ears that of a predator.

Is she going to get eaten before even getting a dorm sorted out for her?

And yet, she had a gut to smile a little when he suddenly took the heavy bag that she was holding a few moments ago and started walking inside of the school.

There, she saw crowds of people. All kinds of beings were there, too. Immortal, mortal, human, fae, rich-looking people, servants, merfolk, royals, and beasts.

"And I assume you're a human bunny?"

The man with a kind heart asked softly, placing her bag on one of the lockers for later and leading her towards the mirror chamber for the ceremony of welcoming new students this school year.

"Yes, I am. And you're a wolf, correct?"

He then nodded with a grumble, due to habit, she suppose, and then they went through the crowds together.

Finally arriving, they saw a lot of different species there, as well.

How fun of a school this is, she smiles.

"Welcome everyone, to a new school year! Today, as we open the gates, we shall first make sure to sort you into a dorm that fits your true nature. Let us begin!"

One by one, each person steps into the dark mirror and it tells them where they should be placed. The girl didn't really mind, she's fine anywhere but just not--!

"Ah, the heart of a predator that's inside of a prey's body. I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time in Savanaclaw, dear one."

Sighing as she walked with the sorted senior, she glanced at the female walking beside her. She was nowhere near a beast, or a prey. Hell, she looks much more a human to the girl.

Noticing this, the female laughs.

"If you're taking guesses, then I'll make it easier for you. Yes, I'm human, and yes, I was sorted into Savanaclaw." She smiled, looking over at the short-haired girl. "However, everything must come with a prize. Since I told you some information about me, mind telling your name?"

Oh, right. She didn't even get to greet her properly.

"It's a pleasure meeting you, Ms. Senior." She responded. "My name is Betty."

To this, the female giggled.

"I have a name too, dearest. It's--!"


Emma already knew who that voice was and where it was coming from. Then, she realized they arrived at Savanaclaw dorm much more earlier than she expected. Huh, how time flies indeed.

"Well, I should get going. Your selected room is just a few feet ahead, don't worry about being eaten." She teased, before stepping backwards. "Now, I shall have a pet to attend to, have a wonderful day."

"Ruggie, you're outrageous."

"What? Can't I show my love for my beloved significant other now?"

"Yes, but get off me!" Emma huffed, shoving the boy away. "We're in public, and juniors are staring at us, you idiot!"

The hyena could simply laugh it off, before glaring at the male juniors who cowardly ran away. They needed to really tame those annoying eyes of theirs that shouldn't be staring at someone he owns rightfully.

"A little more of that, and I could make out with you right now."

"Stop it!"

"Why are you suddenly so defensive? We do it all the time."

She was left speechless, before she smacked his head, earning a groan from him.

"Can you quit it? People will hear, and they will create rumors."

"They're not rumors. We are dating, if you have already forgotten."

And as much as she hates it, he was stating facts. She knew how troublesome it would be if she ever dates something of not her kind, but she did it anyway.


All for that stupid and blind thing called love.

But alas, she could never regret one thing about it.

Emma sighed, before rubbing his head, much to Ruggie's amusement.

"At least I'm not the only one suffering here."

"At least I'm not the only one suffering here!" Dorothea huffed a breath, before thanking the Gods that Emma was dating a beast, or else she would be suffering and being in pain all by herself.

"What was that?"


"No, you said something."

"I said, 'you should go and get your new students, they're probably suffering because they have no idea where their dorm is at'."

"Don't wanna." Leona released his tight grip, before nuzzling his head into her neck, and she swore she was going to sneeze to due his locks. "First years are being more and more annoying each year."

"Hm? Why do you say so?"

Leona, who was finally fed up, looked up and gave her a look. It was clear he wasn't in the mood to answer that, but he didn't have a choice anyway.

"They keep on looking at someone who can't be theirs."

To this, Dorothea hummed, before laughing. It was quite funny how his iron grip was slowly getting loose, and how at any given moment, she has the free will to run away and leave for good.

And yet, she didn't. Because she was curious on what he can and will say. Cursing people out was his nature, especially people he doesn't like or hates will all his being.

"But, I'm not looking at them now, am I?"

He smirked, before playfully biting into her neck, and kissing it with a soft sigh.

"Of course, you won't. Who would ever look at a mere mortal when you can look at a prince?"

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