Chapter 5

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"Dorothea, just so you know that you will need me in the future and sooner or later you will eventually realize that I am an important person in your life and you regret throwing me just like that."

"Emma, you're just going shopping."

"With him?!"

"Yes. And I will not handle any more protests from you." Said Dorothea. "You'll be fine, I'm sure of it."

"I barely know the guy, your grace." The handmaiden replied, pushing the debate further. "What if something happens to me?"

"Do I really look that shady?"

Ugh. Even his voice makes Emma want to punch him in the face.

"Apparently, you do." The lady-in-waiting responded, giving him a side-eye. Because of this, Ruggie laughed like a maniac.

Yeah, she won't be able to see the sun tomorrow.

"I know you're independent, Emma. It's just that you don't know the place yet, and you may get lost. I don't want to have a non-existent assistant now, do I?" Dorothea smiled, before taking a bite out of her food.

The whole cafeteria was still a little lively as the hour goes by, and as the minute passes, Emma wanted to just cut it off. She was aware that she's responsible for taking care of her mistress, but she's not a servant!

She could only sigh. There's pretty much nothing wrong about this, and she's just judging someone based on their looks and first impressions which is a bad thing. It'll be alright, after all, they're just going shopping.

Emma tightly gripped on the bag she was carrying as she, no, they walked around the streets. Just a few things that the princess needs, and this will end as fast as when they started walking, she thinks.

no, she's not upset because Dorothea doesn't trust her.


She cleared her throat, before raising her head to look at the shops that was located here and there.

"Where do you want to start?" Ruggies asks, placing both his hands behind his head. "This place has anything, really. Though, some may be expensive. But, that's not a problem for you, is it?"

"Uhm, the princess just wanted to make me buy some books and a few stationery." Emma responded, holding the bag tightly in the process. "We need to make sure we get home before her lady makes me do something again, and you can go back to serving your own royal."

"That seems like a deal." Said Ruggie, before removing his hands from his head and taking the bag the maiden was holding on ever since they arrived. When Emma was about to ask about it, he simply shrugged. "Your princess paid me to accompany you, so this is the least I could do."

As the boy started taking a few steps forward before she could, she stopped trying to take the bag away from him. Ah, she remembers now. He's only with her because he got paid and he needed the money.

He thinks of this as a job. Of course, he does. Yeah, both of them are here because they were ordered to.

First, they headed to a bookstore nearby. It was no doubt that the school's library were filled with so many stories with different genres and instructions to do potions and curses. But this book was nowhere to be seen there.

So, they had no choice but to find it outside of the school gates.

"In the name of the Sevens, why did her grace even want something like that?" Emma mumbled to no one but herself, as she stared at the book that was all the way to the top shelf. She sighed, before doing her best to reach it.

The shelf isn't even that tall to begin with, she's just.. shorter than an average girl's height. Because of this, she usually needs help getting some utensils from the top cabinet on the kitchen or something similar.

Unknowingly, there was a certain hyena who was silently laughing to himself. The scene in his point of view was too laughable, adorable even. I mean, it's not everyday he gets to have someone so short with him.

Walking over, he stopped just behind her figure as his hands grabbed the book. It was a matter of time that the maiden was going to thank him, when suddenly, he places the book on a shelf that's even higher than before.

"Hey! Your job is to help and accompany me, not mess around!" Emma cried, before the hyena laughed aloud this time, his eyes getting teary as he wipes them with the use of his finger.

"The deal was to only accompany you, so if you need help, then you have to pay." Ruggie snickered, going back to sit on a chair nearby, his frame leaning on the seat. "Hurry and make your choice, the offer doesn't stand forever."

To this, Emma pouted. Just because he thinks everything needs to be paid doesn't mean he should be rude, especially to people he rarely knows. What a great first impression this boy has, and she hates how his appearance makes up for it.

"Then, I'll treat you something to eat after we're done." She said. "Now, help me!"

"Not just yet." Ruggie replied, to which the maiden grumbled about. He laughs, "I want something homemade, not store-bought."

"I don't know how to cook." Emma protested, crossing her arms as she huffed out a breath.

"You're a servant, aren't you?" The hyena asks, to which the girl facepalmed about.

"I'm a lady-in-waiting, not a servant. They're completely different." She answered, as the boy tilts his head, waiting for an explanation. "See, I'm more of someone who needs to accompany the princess, not a person who goes running around when ordered by anyone."

"That's pretty much the same." When Ruggie saw the look Emma gave, he laughed it off, before agreeing to get the book as long as he gets 'paid' by whatever he wants after this shopping situation.

"Say, I didn't recall making you buy me five whole dozen of donuts." The boy said, before eating his fourth one. Emma shrugs, not really finding anything bad about giving him the reward he both wanted and needed.

"That's only because your stomach was getting annoying." Emma replied, frowning in the process. "And I absolutely don't want to hear another complain from you on our way back to the school."

"Well, want a bite, at least? I mean, you still paid for it." Ruggie gestures a glazed donut, reaching towards her face, wanting her to bite it. Startled and flustered, the maiden shakes her head. "I'm not into sweet stuff, they get stuck in my teeth and it's embarrassing."

"Heh, not like those cutesy type, huh." He smirks.

"I will murder you and make sure no one can find your body." She responded.

On the other hand, the second prince was yet again giving the second princess a visit at her dorm, much to the lady's dismay. However, after this, she'll be having a night filled with so many complains and flustered faces coming from her maiden.

After all, she already knows what that girl was feeling.

"How would you know that?" Leona asks, playing with one of the stuffed toys the female has in her bed.

"That's because when Emma falls in love, it's all on her face." Dorothea replied, a small smile on her features as she says that. She'll be playing matchmaker for her own lady-in-waiting, how exciting.

Leona stared at her as she sits on her study table's chair, sighing to himself. Of course, this is how it will be, and he won't be able to stop her anymore.

Looking out the window, Dorothea saw two figures coming inside of the school, and her eyes lit up at how the boy her handmaiden is with was truly amusing. That child really thinks he could make this whole thing go his way, huh?

Well, little does he know, his whole world's about to change.

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