Chapter 12

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A week after that, summer break arrived.

It was rather calm when she went back home together with her handmaiden, which was unusual. For starters, there's always a fight inside of the Queen's office, or servants complaining.

But, today wasn't the case. And, that was only because the royal family is out to go and celebrate the first prince of Sunset Savanna's birthday.

Dorothea wanted to go herself, but she was too tired to catch up to them. Plus, she needed to finish some paperwork that was immediately given to her by servants and she wanted to at least wash up before she can meet Charlotte later.

"Your grace, would you like something to go with your tea this evening?"

Emma's voice was like a gentle breeze, as she sighed, her hair floating on the water before she sunk her head deeper into the bathtub, shaking her head in some sort of response to the lady-in-waiting's question.

"You can't regret things now, you know." Emma sighed, placing the teacup down as she lights a scented candle. "You already decided you won't go, so sulking won't do you any good."

"I know that." Dorothea replied, staring at the ceiling.

To this, Emma smiles.

"After all, you went back home for a reason."

Dorothea Celestine-Louveremont.

That was the name of the second-born daughter of the royal family.

However, their mother never treated them differently. Whatever the first daughter gets, the second daughter also has. It was always a fair treatment, and the girl was thankful because of that.

But still, things were never perfect, to begin with.

Freya Augustine-Louveremont Shivani, despite being the eldest and the heir to the throne, was always second to her younger sister.

It was clear that Dorothea was smarter, and was more fitting for the role of Queen. Everyone was aware of that, but they couldn't do anything about it, because rules will always remain rules.

It wasn't like Freya wasn't smart, but she wasn't as excellent as her sister, which made her miserable that in the eyes of many people, she was only respected due to her status, not because of what she was about to be.

So, she does that one thing every heir does in order to be fully accepted and not seen as a failure.

She gives birth to a male heir.

Adam was a blessing, because he was both a boy and a male heir.

Meanwhile, Charlotte was seen as the intelligent, but spoiled second-born. In a way, she resembles her Aunt. Smart in many ways than one, yet it was never enough to have the crown.

In a way, she, together with her Aunt, resembles their grandmother, and the former Queen.

The former ruler of the kingdom was the second princess, as well. That was why, she was sent off to be married by a crowned prince, like all useless princesses are meant to do, and gave her husband children.

It was some sort of tradition at this point, that the favorite child was always the second born.

Of course, it got broken when Adam was born, though.

"Emma, how about you go and visit your parents tomorrow?" Dorothea suggests, wanting to make sure her handmaiden was also having some time for herself even if she was working day and night.

"Will you come and join me? You might want to see them too." Emma replied, pouring her grace a cup of tea as she observed how she stopped writing for a minute or two, before she smiled.

"I would, but you know how our parents' are buried in different places."

To this, both girls had a smile on their face.

"I understand. I'll go and check up on my parents tomorrow, and I'll come back as soon as possible."

After that, the lady-in-waiting left to have the rest of the night to herself, with the princess's permission, of course. Emma was an old maiden around here, so it was obvious enough that she had a room to have.

Alone in a room was both tiring and boring, to Dorothea's eyes. You have no one to talk to, and your only company is your paperwork that needs to be finished early in the morning to be given to the Queen.

It wasn't that late yet, so she assumes the royal family will be home in an hour or two. And plus, she as sure the servants had nothing to do, so they're either having a nap or eating in their respective rooms.

Slowly standing up, she stepped out of her room and made sure no one could see her sneaking around. Of course, she was allowed to do whatsoever, but she was too tired to deal with anyone as of the moment.

She wasn't wearing heels, so her footsteps couldn't be heard. Her evening gown was heavy due to all the layers, but at least it also doesn't make a noise, which was good. Anything else are just muffled sounds at this point.

The basement was a place where no one, not even a servant, could enter.

But, despite it, the whole pathway was still covered in dim lights in order to see when you walk towards the room at the other end. It was so lively-looking, that you could even mistake it to be a beautiful garden that was filled with flowers and brightness.

However, that wasn't the case.

She opened the heavy door that leads to a room, big enough to have some space there to place a few things here and there. Here, there was barely any light at all. There was only the moon, and a few candles that light up automatically with magic.

Dorothea sighed, before opening the small window to let the fresh air sneak in to her nose. It was so fresh, and the night was so pretty she could only let out a huff.

It's almost time for the royal family to be here.

Less than an hour, she assumes.

Then, without much effort, she uses a bit of magic to place flowers on the two tombs. One that she never really knew about, and one that she loved so dearly.

Her focus was on the other one, obviously.

Here lies the former Queen of the royal house of Louveremont.

Abigail Clyde-Louveremont.

Dorothea smiles, sighing.

"Mom, I think I just broke the Golden Rule."

"Golden Rule? What's that?"

"It's a rule that's the most important among other rules, my dearest." The Queen smiles, as she places the book down before turning around to look at the young princess's eyes.

"Then, what is our Golden Rule, mother?"

The older woman gently took her daughter in her arms, before kissing her forehead.

"Never fall in love with a Kingscholar, darling."

"How would you know that?"

"Because I did, and it didn't end well."

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