Chapter 14

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The diplomat.

A person appointed by the ruler of their kingdom to make peace with another one.

The main functions of diplomats are: representation and protection of the interests and nationals of the sending state; initiation and facilitation of strategic agreements; treaties and conventions; promotion of information; trade and commerce; technology; and friendly relations.

In short, they're a tool.

But, as expected, Dorothea was alright with that. As long as she gets to stay useful, even if it meant to be to someone she wasn't close to, she's fine with it.

However, she knew.

She knew a tool wasn't meant to be exhausted.

"I want you to make peace with him, Dorothea." Freya smiled, handing a piece of paper towards her sis--tool. "He comes from the neighboring kingdom, and he is visiting here for the meantime."

Dorothea nodded in understanding, which made the Queen continue.

"Your job is to keep him company, show him all the good things in our kingdom, so that he could trust us with everything. I still want that island he doesn't even take care of."

Despite the soft and gentle face the Queen has, her voice was stern, something that always shows whenever she wants whatever so badly.

"Of course, I'll make sure he will have a fun time, your highness."

Bowing gracefully, she turned around and made sure to have her posture correct. She thought about where to go, and the kinds of food the prince might want during his stay.

But, before she could even take one step further, the Queen slightly cleared her throat, making her turn back towards her desk that was incredibly huge.

"Is there anything else, your highness?"

Freya smiled, before allowing her shoulders to relax a bit.

"From what I heard, the prince is quite a casanova. If ever he does anything, you may use your spell."

To this, Dorothea's eyes widened for a little while. This almost never happens. In fact, it was truly the opposite. She didn't let her younger sister to even cast a small spell on anything or anyone.

For she knew how strong it was.

"I'll keep that in mind."

The next day, her lady-in-waiting had the prince ready for a little tea party just at the castle's backyard. Dorothea thought it would be to soon to go out for now, so she decided to just have this.

The prince was a little taller than her, and his face was quite good-looking. I mean, she has to at least expect this from a casanova, so she brushed it off before pouring a cup of warm tea for the both of them.

"How was--!"

"Are you taken, by any chance?"

Well, that was fast.

"No, I am not." She responds, placing the tea kettle that matches the tea set down. "However, I do not fancy having a significant other as of now."

The prince hummed, a smirk on his face. She just has to try and be calm, make sure she doesn't go overboard with her emotion that's making her feel disgusted, and this will be a piece of vanilla cake.

After having tea together, they played a game of chess.

It was requested by the visitor himself, and even if Dorothea was nowhere near good when it comes to this, she had no other choice. Whatever the guest wants, the guest gets.

But alas, her time and patience was equally running out.

"You're quite skilled, your highness." She complimented, before placing the pawn in a random place without much thought. "I could never beat you at this rate."

The prince laughed, before waving the kind and flowery words off with a shake of both the head and hands. Oh, he knows he was good, and it was pissing the princess off so bad she was going to explode.

He placed one chess piece to another, winning each round every time. Well, Dorothea didn't really care. He can brag all he wants, she just wanted to finish the stacked up paperwork that has been sitting on her desk for days now.

"I can teach you."

"I beg your pardon?"

Without warning, the prince stood up, and went behind the lady's chair. Placing his hand into hers, he gestures her hand to place the piece that was on her hold into the board, and this continued on for a while.

Until, she noticed a few things that have changed.

His eyes were observing her, and his hands sometimes comes in contact with her thighs that was covered with her clothing that day. His smirk was getting wider, and his desire was obvious enough.

"I appreciate the kind lesson, let us call it a day."

Dorothea kindly smiled, before standing up and turning her heel. She wanted to go back to her chambers as soon as possible and take a bath, change clothes, and feel fresh again.

So why the hell can't he understand that?

The prince stopped her by wrapping a hand around her wrist, keeping her still and no chance of running away or escaping.

He still has that annoying smirk on his face, and that was her limit.

With a graceful posture, she had a smile on her face as she leaned in closer.

"You know, your highness, as a diplomat, I have so many things to do." Said Dorothea.

The prince tils his head, wanting to lean in as well.

"And what do they do?"

Dorothea still had a smile on her face, before she knocks off a chess piece on the table that was sitting beautifully under a tree. Such a shame, she wanted to admire it for a while longer, at least.

"I make peace, your highness."

And with that, the prince's tongue was cut off.

What a horrible ability, truly.

However, magic is magic. His tongue isn't truly cut off, it's just that he won't be able to speak for a while, and the spell will only be broken once he does something good, or when he apologizes for the mistakes he made.

But, for now, peace will be fine.

At least he only fainted and was taken to his chambers.

Sighing softly, she thought about school, and all that. Although there weren't as many assignments, there are still tests and exams to do the moment she walks in the school gates.

She's in for a ride once more.

Placing her pen down, she took out her phone that hasn't been touched for the past week due to other important matters. And when she mean that, she meant her niece, nephew, paperwork, and job as a diplomat.

Dorothea smiled, before dialing the number.


Her voice was so soft, and that was enough to make the princess inside of her desk chuckle.

"Oh, dear Briar, just admit you miss me."

"You called me first, Dorothea."

"Same thing."

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