Volume 2 - Chapter 10: Midterms Battle

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On the day of the Exams, Rio was smiling slightly as she walked down the hall with Nagisa and Akari behind her.

Rio: Well, Nagisa-kun, Kayano-chan? You two ready for this?

Nagisa: You bet I am. This exam would be an easy piece of cake for me.

Akari: If what I studied is on there, sure.

Rio's gaze sharpened as she pointed her pencil case at Akari.

Rio: Oh, come on Kayano-chan! Stand up straight and be a woman! You have a good shot at getting the top score!

?: This'll be rich for us, hehehe!

The three looked up in surprise, as they saw Ike and Yamauchi of Class D were leaning against each other in-between the doorway while smiling disgustingly at them.

Ike: Hey Class S, making a foolish bet with us Class D would be the last thing you did.

Yamauchi: Yeah, once we defeat you people, preparing for the worst things we will make you do.

However, the three former assassins were still unfazed. Moreover, Rio walked coolly fast and stuck her pens in Ike's nose and then removed them, triggering a massive nosebleed which sprayed in the air.



Ike cried out and Yamauchi started to panic.

Rio hummed pleasantly to herself while Nagisa and Akari just snickered at that scene.

Nagisa: This makes me remember the time you did that to that idiot Tanaka.

Rio: I know, right? Those two perverts remind me of those two ugly idiots, Tanaka and Takada, after all.

The group would keep walking before arriving at their classroom.

Rio: Well, looks like we're the first ones here.

Rio said brightly as she slid the door open to the classroom.

Akari: Guess we have to wait for the others, then.

They went to their respective seats and waited for the others. After 30 minutes, Class S had been filled with all of 32 students.

Then, coming in the classroom, was one of Class S's homeroom teachers, Chisa Yukizome.

Chisa: Good morning students! I hope you're ready for the midterms! As you know, if your year manages to pass the midterms, you'll be rewarded.

Nagisa: Wait, rewarded?

Instantly, Akane raised her hand.

Chisa: Kurokawa-san? Is there any problem?

Akane: Yukizome-sensei, what will this reward be for us, exactly?

Chisa: Glad you asked that, Kurokawa-san. According to Chairman Sakayanagi, the reward will be a vacation on a cruise in the middle of the pacific for a few weeks.

Most of the Class S students were surprised by this revelation.

Then Mukuro raised her hand.

Chisa: Yes, Ikubasa-san?

Mukuro: This seems suspicious, sensei. Is there a hidden reason for this supposed reward trip?

Chisa: There's nothing suspicious at all. It is just a reward for you new first years for the hard work you all have done.

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