A cage is it, or my fate to see?

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Curled into a ball and leaned in the wall, I sat still, not moving an inch, my skin was ragged and pale, dry and scratched, rough and sagged.
My hair was disheveled and pale,  now a dry silver and no longer the luxurious golden blonde anymore, my feet was cut and my arms wounded deep in my palm. A single sniff and I knew I stunk worse than a cow. There was no helping me now, a fallen noble and a prisoner.
The rats squeaked and scrambled around, filling the quiet and desolated caging cell with their unpleasant anthem. 
The distant slam of a metal door, and their scampering raised to a maxi, running all over to hide from whoever had arrived.
The heavy sounds of steps pulsated the whole prison as they got nearer and nearer my prison, I hugged my knees tighter .
The sound of heavy breaths were the only way for me to know that the sudden stop of steps had the owner looking at me. A fragrant smell filled the prison from the over use of perfume, congruent to the stale stench that not only enamated from the me but also stale food offered to me. That fragrant scent, a scent I knew all to well. How wouldn't I when I've been around for a long time in his life?,
The one person that stuck a sword through me and dragged me to this prison. My one and only Fiance, Crown Prince Eleon.
My first love.
He threw some contents to me, I raised my head from my knees to inspect the gingling sound I heard from its impact. An old rag   case was before me. I looked up to him to find that all too familiar expression on his face. A frown.
He still looked as beautiful as ever, with those deep green eyes and equally dark green hair. His porcelain skin that shone under the reflection of the moon rays from the hatch above and his muscular and toned body, he was truly a sight to see. A magnet for attention. His deep voice added to the youthful manliness as he spoke to me in anger.
"Is it true?, aren't you really a monster?."
I chuckled.
Aren't I really a monster?...He doesn't even believe it when he sees my side of the story after all, and I thought,I'd have a chance with him. He really did believe I was monster. How thoughtful.
My chuckles turned to laughter and my laughter turned maniacal. I laughed at my constant stupidity, I laughed at my dumb actions, I laughed at my horrible fate, I laughed at my bad choices, I laughed at my very first mistake, loving this prince.
I laughed at my myself, my naivety.
I laughed at my life.
My laughing died down as I looked up to meet his eyes in a direct stare. Those eyes held deep hatred. Hatred for me.
"You always thought I was a monster haven't you?. An excuse to get away from me, to be with your one true love. I'll always be the one, the monster, the evil.  Never have you ever considered my thoughts, suggestions, my opinions. I was never good enough to be listened to. How stupid was I to believe that you would finally see me in the light after seeing my side of the story. I really am unlucky, I see that now. For my very first love to be a stuck up prince like you, how more  unfortunate could I be~."
All these said with a hole in my chest, I smiled and tears dropped
"No one's ever believed me. I've always been a monster, and I'll always be one, there no stopping it. It's my destiny. For good to be, bad has to exist. I see that now. No loved ones, no love once. Fate is really very cruel, to think I thought I could outwit my fate, Don't worry Eleon, I've given up already. You don't have to keep up with this act, let out the feeling. I know you hate me probably despise or loathe even, I've always been hated and I'll always be hated I get that. It's my path in this life and soon the next. This darkness won't just stay away and I have to keep and restrain it at bay."
With all the strength I had, I rose to my feet, went over to him, and touch his cheek very gently, my first contact. With this a soft smile bloomed on my lips. In a whisper I poured out a piece of my heart.
"It's trying to come out now Eleon, I'll become a monster again....you have to be safe.....you're this Kingdom's future remember that, you have to be the future. I still trust you but now I have to let go now. You come first, always will. I...I...I-I love you....but you'll never love me back. I have accepted my fate thanks to you. You'll free me soon and I'll leave this existence for you, for your peace mind. I'll be gone."
I dropped my hand from his cheek and he bolted out the door.
Good bye Eleon.
I picked up the ragged case and tore it open, a book fell out along with other miniscule objects.
I picked up the book and went to sit by the side of the prison door , with the reflection of the moon's light, I saw the writings. It was a pale red book with some delicate patterns.
I traced the patterns and stopped at the head writing.
My diary. I flipped the first page slowly to read my life's worth so far. A very close range to zero I  suppose. This was probably my last night, it wouldn't hurt to reminisce a little would it?.
There was no one here to help me anyway, no use on hanging on a loose rope.
I  probably wasn't even worthy of the assistance. I was a shabby shaggy, pathetic and pitiful yet cruel and evil, person.
What wouldn't be the next thing now?. Oh yes, my diary.
Let's see...

{A SHORT STORY}Where Is My Happy Ending, The Real Villainess Story Where stories live. Discover now