I'll never have love!...

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All my life, I'd always wanted their love.
Their affection, their smiles. Their love.
This attention was never directed to me.
I'd thought, I could win them back. If I got their long lost goal, accomplished. We could be a family again.
I could feel loved once again. But I was wrong, you see those memories had been implanted after all. The monster within was very strategic. It knew it needed a broken a resolve to break free. Real pain to be fully unleashed and overpower. And it finally got that way round to it's corner.
I was never really meant to be loved, cherished, adored, protected.
Today, I got to know.
Today I found out the truth from my reality.
Mother summoned me, to meet a sight of her comfort, on father's legs. She told me that it was time of my disposal.
Apparently, I had failed the mission. The main goal I was purchased for was rebutted by my strong resistence she said.
'The king was my fiance. We were engaged to be married since childhood. I was meant to be queen. But, he went and fell in love. And then cut off ties. Leaving me to the cruel judgement of the Society. No one wanted to marry me anymore. Nobody wanted to be associated with me, I was the scorn of society. I was a wreck on my family's name and I was disowned and abandoned.
But then my husband found me and rescued me. I decided there and then to get my revenge and be the queen. However though I could not bear a child. So we had your father fruit my hand maid. Your mother. When she found out she was pregnant, she cut off from this duchy and lived alone. When she had you, she wanted to sell you and so we bought you, and of course, silenced the sources. Your mother included. We raised you to perfection, but frankly you became a bad breed.
You've lost the prince and you shall be punished.' she ordered a total of fifty strokes and a week starvation. Afterwards, I would be publicly punished with a hundred more strokes that would be actualized at the middle of the capital.
I was officially disowned.
That day, as I was whipped, I didn't feel the pain at all.
All I heard were swishing sounds and repeated grunting. It didn't hurt anymore because I didn't think anymore. Plainly breathing and blinking. A dead soul with an awake body.
The next few days, my body deteriorated from the deficiencies. I was a living hazard. I had no appetite and no sense.
Nothing was working anymore.
It was soon, however, the day of my public discrimination.
I was still as dull and faint. A living corpse of despair and pain.
Hate and darkness. But still I was conceding it all.
With my tied arms and spread out body, I was whipped on every part of my body. In silence and aggrevation, I accepted the pain.
I looked up to the crowd that day and saw my fiance and his lover side by side, watching my persecution. There wasn't an indifference In his face. The regular frown plastered on his face. I met mother's eyes and then father, my very own father stared without a hitch and flinch.
No source of even just remorse but just staring.
And at that moment, I understood. I had always been the pawn.
I didn't have any say In the situation........in any situations at all.
This was why I was always side tracted and pushed aside.
They never had any intentions of regarding me at all.
I'd wasted my love and time, life and energy on a baseless intuition.
On an imaginary love and affection.
On a blunderbuss of plain waste.
And soon enough I'd be disposed off and left to rot and be carcassed.
So this was what fate had in-store for me. A life of hopeless dreams and despair, pain and suffering.
A plain host of negativity.
A life of darkness.
Why then was I holding back?.....
Why was I still trying to protect them?....
Why was I still restraining my destiny?....
Why am I resisting?......
I am the fated beast and I best live up to my name.
But then I had one last resolve. A final goal that might set me free from this horrible life.
What is life and what is death right?......
They are just different routes to different or the same places.
So it was high time, I ended a few.
I'd rid the world of their evilness.
We were going on this route together. We ride and die.
Goodbye father and mother.
I'll be there soon.

{A SHORT STORY}Where Is My Happy Ending, The Real Villainess Story Where stories live. Discover now