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Could you ever imagine having ruined your entire career and your life with it at the young age of 26? Imagine how awful it must be; you still have your whole life ahead of you but in the blink of an eye you no longer have a way to make an income without switching career completely, and doing so would mean abandoning the one thing you love doing most in the world. It sounds like hell, does it not?

It is hell. My own personal hell that has ruined my life and the worst thing is that I have no one but myself to blame for it.

I am a journalist and I have been so for the last four years. As most in my profession, I had to work my way up, writing about the things that no one else wants to write about and that the public does not have much interest for. Somehow, I got lucky though, and my way to the top went quicker than it does for most people, and a lot quicker than I could have ever expected.

I was writing a piece on Michael Miller, a serial killer that took the life of six young girls. How did I just end up with a scoop like that? I did not, I just decided to do it either way since I was sick of writing about the weekly bike thefts in the neighborhood. It was a risky move because I knew there was a possibility of me getting fired since I did it behind the back of my boss, but it paid off.

I tried so hard to get an interview with Michael, but he refused to talk to any journalist, me included. Sometimes I am too stubborn for my own good, so I did not give up though.

I went to visit him in jail, not mentioning that I was a journalist until I was sat there looking at him from the other side of the glass that kept us apart. I was nervous as I went there, I was already scared of him since I could have easily been one of his victims, and I imagined he would throw a fit once he found out that I had lied to him.

However, he did not seem to be upset. He gave me a wicked grin once the truth was out, giving me a once over and telling me I was a 'devious woman'. I tried to act unaffected, but my stomach twisted at his remark. To this day I still remember that grin as clearly as if it was yesterday. To my surprise, he agreed to do an interview without me having to do any persuading at all. 'You've got nice tits' he told me as his reasoning for agreeing.

The first thing I did when I got back home that day was to empty my stomach down the toilet.

I was battling with my morals when it came to writing this piece on him. This was an evil man, one that had brought terror upon the nation and ruined many lives. Did he really deserve more attention to his name? Would it not be better to write a piece in honor of his victims? At the same time though I knew that I needed to do this in order to bring attention to my name. He was the talk back then, and if I, Lia Parker, a young journalist with not much experience under her belt was the one that got to interview him I knew that my career would kick-start. So, I set my morals aside and chose my career.

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