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A/N: Twitter poll said to not split this chapter up but oopsies I split it up a little anyways... But to my defense this chapter is 5,7 k words long so. Also, this chapter is so conversation heavy and we all know that's my weakness, so I am very very unsure about this one. It is also unedited so what can I say. 

Criticism is always welcomed! 

Criticism is always welcomed! 

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12:31PM, I have been sitting in the same spot for two hours straight now. I shift my legs slightly to try and get myself in a more comfortable position, not that there is much comfort to be found on the hard floor beneath me to begin with.

After everything yesterday, I decided to go back home straight after Styx despite it all. I do not want to involve Helix until this is something I myself understand. I will also admit that it will take a lot for Helix to actually listen to me since I have somewhat of a track record of fucking with him.

I could go to Ethel, but I am not so sure I want that either. If I am going to be honest, she scares me a little. I would say she is a mix between Helix and Len. If Len can tell me that I am going to trip up the stairs, Ethel can tell me on exactly which step I will trip on, how long it will take for me to react, what my reaction will be. She can see the way my muscles and tendons will work to keep myself steady.

Seeing Ethel feels like being stripped naked and having someone look right into you, so I have my reservations of going to her.

Even though I know I should go see someone, tell someone, what I should do and what I want to do are two completely different things and more times than not I go with the latter.

Once I got home the still broken mirrors and shattered pieces of glass scattered around my house was a stark reminder of what had happened earlier that day. Ignoring the mess, I went straight to my bedroom, shut the door and tried to get some sleep.

However, sleep did not come easily, and it was not something I got a lot of last night, just as many nights before that. I was unable to shut off my mind, a side effect of what I am doing I suppose.

You only know the gist of my self-destructive behaviors and there is more to it than I have told you. I know the cause of my sleepless nights, and I know I could fix it if I wanted to, that is all you need to know right now.

This morning, I woke up to the sound of Neo texting me the information I asked him to retrieve for me. As I feared, there was not much in it that was useful or helpful to me.

Lia had a normal childhood as an only child with her mother and father seemingly happily married and living together in a smaller villa just outside of town. The only possible issue I found regarding her family was that when Lia was a teenager, her mother got sick and had to be moved to an institute where they could give her the care she needed. Her mother is still there to this day, so I am assuming there was something seriously wrong with her.

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