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"I've got a job for you." 

"Ah Helix." I say with an overexaggerated smile, putting my arms out to my sides and walking towards him as if I am on my way to hug him. I would never do it, but it is still fun to mess with him. He puts his arm up with his palm turned towards me, urging me to stop.

I stop at a safe distance from him, putting my arms back down but keeping the big grin on my face. Although he cannot see me like you would be able to, he sees things in his own way, the annoyed look on his face giving it away. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"

It has been well over a week since I saw him last. I am always messing with him, that is news to no one, but during our last job I fucked up badly. I showed up with the smell of alcohol still lingering on me from last night and a fresh line of coke in my system.

It is safe to say that he was not happy, and he sent me home and has not talked to me since.

I have been struggling, a lot. I know Helix notices it, no matter how good I have gotten at hiding it with poisons to shut it off for just a minute. He always notices everything; it is kind off creepy when I think about it.

I am getting worse, I know that, but I am also too stubborn to get help, too stubborn to shut it off, to shut them off. I have taken care of myself since before my parents died, and I will continue to do so. I do not need the help of someone else to fix my problems. They are mine and mine alone to deal with.

"I need you to go see someone." He starts. "A young woman. She's had a change in behavior, and she has become obsessed with drawing strange figures that keeps her grandmother up at night."

"Are you sure that's something for us?" I ask him. An unnatural entity would be the least common cause for a behavioral change, Helix knows that.

"Just go there." He states, leaving no room for argument in his tone. He has always been this way, but damn has he gotten a lot bossier over the years.

"Why don't you just go there yourself?" I ask him, not really feeling up for running his errands for him. Besides, he has told me more times than not that I am not to be trusted with things by myself. Which, I mean fair. I do tend to have a habit of doing things I should not do.

"Because I tell you to do it." He states blankly.

I sigh, knowing that there is no way of changing his mind. I know that this is his way of giving me yet another chance, his way of telling me that there is still hope for me and that he has not given up. He is harsh, always have been, but I think that he cares in his own way.

"Fine. When?"

"Tomorrow. I'll have someone text you the address." He says before turning around and walking towards the door.

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