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It takes me a moment to come to my senses and realize where I am. My vision is blurry and there is a high-pitched ringing in my ears. I blink hard a couple of times, trying to get my blurry vision to become clear again so I can figure out where the hell I am.

The first thing I notice, or rather feel, is that I am in a very uncomfortable position. As I try to move my head to look around, a sharp pain goes through my entire body. I close my eyes hard again, trying to will away the pain that is becoming more noticeable for every second that goes by.

It does not work, I knew it would not, so I try to push through it and move to a more comfortable position. However, I notice that I am stuck. Quite literally, I cannot move my body. Something is holding me back and as I look down at myself, I see the seatbelt restraining my movements, pushing into my chest and waist, holding me still.

It is only then it strikes me. Lia, car, car, she was driving, car, we crashed. Shit.

Quicker than I would have liked considering the pain I turn my head to the left to the driver's side.

It is hard to see properly but she looks lifeless where she hangs from her seat. Her whole body is slumped to the right, the only thing keeping her in her seat is her seatbelt. Had she not been wearing it she would have gone through the window or been laying on top of me considering we are flipped over to the side. Seeing Lia makes my heart beat faster in my chest.

However, the state of Lia and myself is not the only thing concerning me right now, the smell is too. Gasoline. It smells like gasoline. One small spark and we would catch on fire.

I get more desperate in my struggle against the seatbelt, trying to get it to release from the buckle but nothing fucking happens. After struggling a bit longer, I feel the pressure of something being released from my chest and it finally comes undone. I am free from the seatbelt and can (hopefully) move my body again, but there is another issue.

The car has flipped over to my side, meaning that there is no way for me to be able to open the door. I cannot try on the driver's side either because there is Lia. My one option is to climb in the backseat and try the door there, but I am not sure I have enough strength in my body to drag myself back there.

Nevertheless, I ignore the pain shooting through me and painfully slow climb over the middle console and into the backseat. I can move, thankfully, but it is not without struggle. I do not think I am seriously injured but bruised up enough for it to feel like I have been slammed straight into a brick wall.

To my luck, the door opens, and I stumble out on the road. The sun has now set, leaving me standing in almost complete darkness, not even the headlights from the car are running anymore, meaning that I must have been out of it for quite some time.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26 ⏰

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