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❝ can't let this go, I fight with you in my sleep ❞

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❝ can't let this go, I fight with you in my sleep ❞

Alana's pov:

Months had gone on, everything had just spiralled further and further down, my mental health was worse than I ever believed it could get. I was going day after day without a single piece of food and not being able to last a few hours without hurting myself in some form. My cutting had moved along from my arms to my thighs and stomach aswell, my whole body now becoming a scarred monster. I was barely getting myself to school 3/5 days a week, I lacked all motivation to leave my bed.

Although it was so dark in my head, Taylor, who had still continued to message me daily to check in, didn't have any knowledge of it. 

It was a Saturday, meaning I have spent my whole day in bed, at peace from Ethan's begging for me to get up as he's been out all day. I lay down, my head buried in my pillow, which was covered in mascara stains, as I scrolled mindlessly on my phone. However, my scrolling was soon interrupted by a certain blonde popstar, 

➤ Hey sweetheart! How are you today on this fine Saturday evening? Have you done anything exciting today?

I smiled at the message, Taylor was so sweet. I don't understand why she is wasting her time on me, I'm not even going to be around for another year or so. I went to start typing, but there was a knock at my door, causing me to throw my phone down into my covers and sit up as the wooden door opened. A teenage boy appeared in the door frame with a smile, his hand behind his back as he hid something in his hand. "Hey Allie!" Ethan said, closing the door behind me and sitting next to me on my bed, making himself welcomed in my room. "Hi Ethan, you alright? What you hiding there?" I ask, trying to look behind him. He pulled his hand round from his back, revealing a lunch box filled with food. 

"Oh. How fun, I'm not hungry though."

"Allie, please just have something."

"I'm not hungry Ethan, I don't need to eat anything."

"Alana, I haven't seen you eat in like a week. Do you understand the damage your doing to your body?"

"It's not been a week! It's only been four days."

The conversation paused, the room was silent. 

"Alana, are you being serious?"

I stared back at him, no strength in me to reply to him as I watched his heart shatter through the pain in his eyes.

"What the fuck Alana? Four fucking days?! Are you being serious right now? I have tried so hard to be nice and just encourage it, never being to hard or pushing you too far. But four days without food is dangerous, you need to eat something right now."

"I'm fine Ethan. I know what I'm doing, I don't care how 'dangerous' it is, have you seen me?"

"Alana, your skin and bone. You are so deep in this eating disorder, I'm so worried about you."

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