fifteen ⋆ ★

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❝ get it off your chest ❞

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❝ get it off your chest ❞


Alana's pov:

In a panic, I picked out a grey sweatshirt which me and Taylor had picked out the other day, throwing it on quickly paired with a black mini skirt, some semi-sheer tights and my converse. I sat down at the vanity space in the room, brushing my hair through and doing a cute half up half down style with a black ribbon tied in it. I had my usual bracelets on even though you couldn't see them and decided to put on the necklace Taylor had got me. I rushed myself to put some mascara and concealer on to hopefully look less sleep deprived before getting up from my seat at the vanity and looking at myself in the full length mirror in the corner of the room. 

I lifted my jumper up and turned to the side, looking at myself for a moment in pure disgust. The skirt I wore was tight and perfectly outlined the fact that my stomach was not flat - that croissant Taylor had forced down me this morning was the reason of that. I sucked my stomach in for a minute, using my hand to tell that my stomach was flat as long as it was sucked in before breathing out deeply and letting the disgusting fat on my body show it's small bump. I swallowed the large lump in my throat, put my jumper back down and adjusting it slightly before walking out of the room, plastering my best smile onto my face. 

I walked to the top of the staircase, presuming that Tree would be somewhere downstairs, I just had to find her. My hands were already shaking and anxiety was turning in my stomach, the thought of meeting someone new was eating me alive. I hated talking to people and I hated eating infront of people, but if I had the confidence to tell Taylor that this morning then I wouldn't be here right now, so it's my own fault I'm having to do this, and I've got to suck it up. 

I took a small deep breath and began making my way slowly down the stairs, clutching onto the necklace I had on with my sweaty hand. As I walked towards the living room, the place I was expecting to see the redhead waiting, I could feel my heart thumping in my chest. I took a last deep breath before stepping into the room to see the woman sat on the sofa, her legs crossed as she held her phone in one hand and had the other placed on top of a box which had a neatly tied ribbon on it. 

After noticing I had entered the room, she turned her phone off and stood up, putting her phone in the back pocket of her pants and holding the box under her arm, "Hi Alana!" She said with a warm smile on her face. I kept a smile on my face as I slid the silver heart along the necklace. "It's so nice to meet you properly, it was only brief at the concert." She said again, keeping her smile big before wrapping her arms around me. 

"Yeah, it's really nice to see you again and get to have a proper conversation." I said, laughing slightly before pulling from her arms. 

"You look so cute as well! I love your necklace too, it's so pretty." She says, pointing to the silver jewelry I was playing anxiously with.

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