eight ⋆ ★

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Alana's pov:

After about an hour last night of being constantly checked up on by doctors and nurses, I finally fell asleep. The hospital bed was extremely uncomfortable and the room was freezing cold but I was so exhausted that I would have fallen asleep anywhere. 

I eventually woke up, "Finally! Oh my god I'm so glad your okay Allie!" Piper says, quickly getting excited even though I was barely even awake. "Calm down Pip, I'm not even awake yet." I tell her, rubbing my eyes as I adjusted to the fluorescent hospital lights. "Well it's almost 11! I've only got another hour before my mom picks me up." She tells me, now moving closer to the edge of the chair she was sat on. I took a minute to look at Piper, her cheeks had tear stains on and she was fully in her school uniform, leaning closer to me from the chair at the end of the hospital bed while holding my phone in her hand. "What are you doing with my phone?" I ask, my voice still groggy as I sat up slowly. "Oh I went on it because I forgot your school Google password and I was going to log in and do your maths homework because I know you hate it but-" I interrupted Piper's explanation. "OH MY GOD I LOVE YOU." I say, suddenly being fully awake. "I know you do, but, when I was on your phone, I saw you had a DM from fucking Taylor Swift. SINCE WHEN WERE YOU AND TAYLOR SWIFT TALKING?" Piper said, getting more and more excited as she talked. "What can I say, we are besties. What did she say?" I laugh and reach out for her to pass me my phone. "She was just asking if you were okay and stuff so I messaged her back and told her you were good and still asleep.." She started, passing the phone over to me. "And then she asked what hospital you were in because she wanted to come see you and give you some gifts so now she is kinda on her way here." Piper speed-talked, the words nervously flowing out of her mouth. I looked up from my phone I just unlocked, my jaw dropped, "Excuse me. What do you mean Taylor fucking Swift is on her way here?" I say, panicking internally as I looked at Piper absolutely terrified. Taylor can not see me right now. "Yeah so she's on her way, but don't worry I told Ethan to come with that poster you said you've always wanted signed so hee should be here to drop it off soon." Piper told me, still talking fast as I stared at her still frozen. 

"Your poster man has arrived!" Ethan laughs, coming through the doors, two plastic bags in his hands as he snapped me out of my frozen state. "It's one poster, what's in the rest of the bags dude?" I laugh, quickly skimming over the last few texts between Piper and Taylor.

➤ Piper, I promise you this isn't your fault at all. Alana is so so lucky to have a friend who cares as much as you do. You really have to stop blaming yourself, you knew how much she was struggling and you can't spend every second watching her, you showed her how much you cared and that's the best you can do sometimes.

Thank you Taylor. What time do you think your coming down? My mom is picking me up at 12

➤ I'll get there for 11:45 ish then! See you soon lovely xx

See you Taylor!!

Ethan stared getting stuff out on the bag as he squished onto the small chair Piper was still sat on, "WHAT?  Taylor is going to be here in 20 minutes?! I'm a mess oh my god." I say, now panicking. "Calm down, calm down! I've got my school bag, I've got a hair brush, some mints and some perfume that's the best I can do for you." Piper says, picking her backpack off the floor and onto her lap before rummaging through it and gently throwing a hairbrush to me. "Right watch my haul while brushing your hair and whatever!" Ethan says, rolling his eyes and placing the two full plastic bags on the end of the bed. He pulled the first thing out of the bag and began his haul as if we were watching a YouTube video, showing me and Piper the things before passing them to me. As we got further through, I had a pile infront of me with stuff I needed to survive in here for the next few days. Ethan had brought me a blanket, a pillow, a teddy, my headphones and other miscellaneous items. However the bigger the pile got, the less I payed attention as I waited nervously for Taylor, a polo mint now in my mouth.

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