"The priest's anger "

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-Kira's pov-

It was getting dark, and I was heading 'home'

The cool wind blowing on my face was very relaxing after a long day of work, but my moment of relaxation was interrupted by two vampires

"Kira! Kira!"
Shouted DIO, I stopped and looked behind me and saw DIO and Kars running towards me, crearly exhauted

"We... We.. Got lost"
Kars said with a embarassed smile, as they finally reach me, I raised an eyebrow, waiting for them to explain

"What were you doing?"
I asked

"Uhh.. We're searching for.. Blood because we didnt want to eat Doppio's food, and well-"
DIO got interrupted by a police car who passed beside us

I looked at him angrily and said
"What did you two do"
I said as I turned around and continued walking

They quickly followed me and said
"We did nothin-"

"We killed a whole family, very tasty though"

Kars interrupted DIO

As Kars said that DIO continued the history
"Yeah, but before that, somenthing bad happened"

"You two killed a family, what do you me-"
"The church got burned down! And we dont know if Pucci is alive!"

My eyes widen as DIO interrupted me

"You did what!?"
I turned my head confused

"We didnt do anything! Two random persond did it!"
Kars explained


I sighed, this day couldnt we worse..

----- Another timeskip ----

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We finally arrived home, I opened the door and the first thing I see, is everyone reunited in the living room, apparently hearing the news

"Kira! Did you know what ha-"
"Yes, yes I did, Valentine"

I was to tired for this bullshit

I placed my bag in the couch and sat there, Kars and DIO did the same and sitted in the couch, who strangely is big enough for everyone of us

I looked at the TV, and this is what I saw.

I looked at the TV, and this is what I saw

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Quite interesting news..

Everyone gasped as they saw the church burn..

"What the hell!? That Caesar bitch should be dead!"
Kars said angrily.. Nobody knew what was he talking about

I heared closely the news, ignoring everyone

"A church in the town got burned up And the police suspect that it was the gang of the town!"
The blonde guy said, probably his name is Caesar like Kars said

After some minutes of looking at the news, someone opened the door, the person who was missing

DIO and Kars quickly looked away as Pucci opened the door

His clothes were burned in some parts, so does his face and hands

He didnt say nothing, just walked directly to his room

In that moment, Caesar said
"The priest of the church is currenly missing, and for now, we think that he is apparently death, the police is now searching for his body"

Everyone stayed silent

"What should we do with Pucci?"
Doppio said clearly worried

"Just leave him alone"
Diavolo responded

"Now I wonder why did Kars and DIO looked away when Pucci entered"
Valentine added

Everyone instantly looked at Kars and DIO, who quickly said

"We didnt do nothing!"
"You killed a whole family!"

I snapped at DIO

"But we have nothing to do with the burning church"
Kars defended DIO

"Well, It's getting late so.. I'm going to make dinner"
Doppio said as he got up and made his way to the kitchen

But he bumped with someone

"DIO. Kars. Explain now, WHAT the HELL did you do with the church"
A kind of angry Pucci said

The priest had some bandages in his face and hands, he also changed clothes and didnt have his usual Priest clothes

The priest had some bandages in his face and hands, he also changed clothes and didnt have his usual Priest clothes

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(idk how to describe it so I drawed it 😭😭)

Everyone looked at the angry Pucci

"Oh, Pucci! Are you alright?"
Doppio who was front of him said worried

But Pucci gently moved him away

Pucci did his way towards DIO and Kars who quickly said

"Pucci! We werent us! I swear!"
DIO tried to defend himself

I knew this was going to turn into a fight so, I got up and stopped Pucci

"He is saying the truth"
I said looking at the priest

"Stay out of this"
He snapped at me

I didnt move and I said

"The two didnt do anything"
I said again

He looked at me, I felt like his eyes penetrated my soul

He stared at me for some seconds, I wanted to explode him but.. I couldnt

He sighed and said
"I'll believe you, but I swear if those two commit a murder, I will burn them"

He said angrily, of course I didnt tell him about the whole famil- whatever

He turner around and made his way again to his room

I sighed, I was really tired to argue with someone

I sat again in the couch and waited for Doppio to do the dinner

I just wanted a quiet day..

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809 words

Thanks for reading ^^

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