Alright, Let's Do This One More Time

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Heroes, they come in many different shapes and sizes, but among the countless heroes the world has to offer there's one that stands out to me the most. Spider-Man, whether it's Peter Parker, Miles Morales, or even Gwen Stacy, the mantle of Spider-Man, Woman, Boy, or Girl is one that-

Y/N: Yeah yeah yeah, look I know it's your job to do this part but why don't you let me take over?

W-Wait how are you here? You're way too early.

Y/N: This is my story, isn't it? Shouldn't I be the one to open it?

Very well but I still must dictate the story.

Y/N: Don't worry big guy you'll get to! Alright, let's try this again yeah? My name is Y/n L/n. I was bitten by a radioactive spider and for the past two and half years I've been the one and only Spider-Man. In case you don't know the rest...I fought the Vulture, Sandman, Scorpion, made friends with Captain George Stacy and Detective Yuri Watanabe, met Daredevil and The Punisher, saved the city a few times, and all in all things are going pretty well! I admit there've been some...rough patches...really...rough patches. I've been hit pretty hard, sometimes I almost didn't get up. I've lost a lot of people along the way too, my parents, Aunt May, Captain Stacy, and Matt, but I keep going just like they would want me to! I've got my Uncle Ben, my best friend Ned aka my Guy-in-the-Chair, and ever since what happened with Captain Stacy Ben got legal guardianship of his daughter Gwen so it's like having a little sister. "But Y/n, isn't being Spider-Man like SUPER dangerous?" Yes, yes it is, but if I'm not then who will be? When the Avengers left to go to the West Coast there was no one left to defend New York. The X-Men moved down south and the Fantastic Four don't get too involved. So even after everything I still LOVE being Spider-Man, even when I get knocked down again, and again, and again I ALWAYS get back up, because the only thing standing between this city and oblivion is ME. There's only one hero left, there's only one Spider-Man...and you're looking at him.

and you're looking at him

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