Spider-Man & Kate Bishop #3: Hide and Seek Part 2

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As Y/n and Kate cut through Times Square Kate decides to address the elephant in the room.

Kate: Hey, so 1. Sorry, I was such an ass to you in the beginning. 2. Why did you decide to do that?

Y/N: Because I trust you, Kate. We're both in a really shitty situation, it's easier to get through it if we trust each other.

As they're walking a little boy runs up to greet a group of cosplayers dressed up as the Avengers and a few as the X-Men. Y/n can't help but watch which catches Kate's attention.

Kate: Have you ever met any of them?

Y/N: Yeah. I fought the Serpent Society alongside Captain America and I have some friends in the X-Men.

Kate: Y'know has anyone told you you have a branding problem?

Y/N: No offense Kate but my problem right now, is you. And this devil suit, and the people trying to kill you 'cause of it. It's a problem that I'm going to solve today so that I can go home to the boys, my little sister, and my uncle.

Kate: Hmm no, it's branding. You're low-key. It's a very hard brand to sell.

Y/N: Kate, I wear a red, white, and blue suit swinging around the city beating up bad guys and making bad jokes, I am anything BUT low-key. And I'm not trying to sell anything.

Kate: Well at least you're sincere, that's one thing people need now.

Y/N: Is that right?

Kate: Yeah I mean think about it. A lot of scary stuff has happened in this city since the Avengers formed, and when they left things only got worse. People don't want that cynical, cool thing anymore, they want heart-on-your-sleeve sincerity. And while you have that it doesn't show as much as it should.

Y/N: Huh...you don't say...*under breath* I can be sincere...

Kate: Until you took that mask off to me Spider-Man was always a keep your cards close to your vest kind of guy, which you wear over a suit of spandex and like, 16 other layers of self-protection. All of which, under, finally, is your heart. So, not exactly on your sleeve.

Y/N: You seem to be forgetting something Kate, I'm not trying to sell anything.

Kate: But you do, anyway.

Y/N: *Sigh* Yeah, okay then, what am I selling, other than knock-off merchandise on eBay and Etsy?

Kate: Inspiration, Y/n. Okay, this is the office, what's the next step of your big plan?

The two stop in front of a large building that Kate gestures to.

Y/N: Well, considering our previous conversation this is going to be ironic. You're gonna go in there and sell yourself as much as possible to your mom. I don't care how hard you do it or what you do. But convince the woman you need time off. The explosion at the gala and the fire at your apartment were too much for you and you need time to recuperate and request a leave of absence to get your shit together. The next part of the plan is heavily contingent on whether you do this or not.

Kate: Okay say I get the time off, then what?

Y/N: Text me and let me know, and I'll send you an address. You got a pen?

Kate reaches into her bag and hands Y/n the pen, Y/n pulls Kate's sleeve up and rights down the lab's access code and then hands her his keycard.

Y/N: If your end of the plan works I'll text you an address for a building in Greenwich, the building is on lockdown so once you use the card to get in you'll have about a minute to type in that access code into the Numpad behind the front desk.

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