Spider-Man & Kate Bishop #2: Hide and Seek Part 1

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Y/n follows Kate upstairs who leads him to a locked door upon opening it and turning on the light Y/n is greeted by the sight of the one-eyed dog whining on the floor. The two enter as Y/n closes and locks the door.

Y/N: Some guard dog you've got there.

Kate: Oh, he's not my dog.

Kate sets her belongings on the table as Y/n examines the apartment.

Y/N: Nice place you got here.

Kate: Thanks, I inherited it.

Y/N: So, wanna get that suit off, so I can get going?

Kate: ...Yeah. Yeah, I'll be right there.

She says while heading up to the loft and whispering to herself.

Kate [Whisper]: Totally cool. Just stay cool. Spider-Man is in my place.

Kate begins changing in her private bathroom while Y/n talks to her.

Y/N: So where'd you get the suit?

Kate: Black market auction...

Y/N: And you bought it?

Kate: Uh...not exactly.

Y/N: Uh-huh.

He says as he takes a closer look at some of her things including multiple trophies and awards.

Y/N: So what exactly did you do in this suit?

Kate: I beat some guys up. Saved the dog. Some light B and E.

Y/N [Softly]: Oh great...

Y/N: A 17-year-old vigilante. Shouldn't you be in school?

Kate: On winter break right now.

Kate comes down the stairs wearing purple sweats and carrying the suit as well as her bow.

Kate: So, uh, now that I've answered all of your questions, I have so many for you. Uh, starting with...can you sign my bow?

Y/N: I'm not done yet.

Kate: But when you are, can you sign my bow? You're kind of my favorite superhero.

Y/n takes the pen from Kate and starts signing her bow.

Y/N: Are you okay? By the way? You're not hurt at all?

Kate: Oh thank you, yeah I'm good. I'm fine. Heh, you should see the other guys.

Y/n hands her bow back and takes the suit from her, putting it on the nearby table while continuing to speak.

Y/N: I did, Tracksuit Mafia.

Kate: That's their name? That's a little on the nose. Are they the ones that killed my mom's fiancé's uncle?

Y/N [Confused]: Your mom's fiancé's uncle?

Kate: Armand the III, of at least seven.

Y/N: I uh...I don't know. But what I do need to know is if anybody saw your face.

Kate: Nope, kept the mask on like a pro.

Y/N: Okay...because the man that wore this suit, made a lot of enemies, way more than me. All right? And the Tracksuits are just one of them.

Kate: That doesn't sound good...

Y/N: You didn't tell anybody about this suit?

Kate: No.

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