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double dump

"Wakey wakey," Mae said the next morning as she sat down on the day bed where Georgia Harrison was peeking out over the duvet. "You sleep ok my love?"

"Yeah, sleeping under the stars gave me some clarity for sure," Georgia nodded. "How about you? Get any clarity from your dreams?"

"Not much clarity needed," Mae shrugged with a little smile. "Theres really only one boy in here I have any kind of spark with so, thats that right now."

The two girls got up and headed back inside to greet the rest of the islanders. The girls split up and Mae headed back outside with a smaller group, sitting and discussing Liberty's situation before they turned to Georgia Steele. 

"I do think maybe there are other people I am compatible with in here, that maybe I hadn't pursued because I thought me and Toby were going to make it work," the brunette shared. "And he was all over me 24/7 which kept me in his web."

"Thats so real," Mae nodded. "And honestly babe, you're better off. Like he's talking this history with Arabella, and he made some right weird comments yesterday when he was chatting with me too."

"Like what?" G prodded. 

"He said something about if we weren't together on the outside, like, what's changed for us to be together now almost," Mae tried to paraphrase. "I don't know, it was very much giving typical fuck boy, where he doesn't want to commit. Huge red flag, like you're better off."

"I know Georgia is gunning for Callum, but at the end of the day I am a girls girl and I am going to support her in fuck boy recovery," Mae said in the beach hut. "We've all been there."

As the morning carried on, Mae found herself cuddling with Demi on the day beds, with Steele and Luis, Callum and Toby on the other bed. "Whats your new years resolutions this year girls?" Callum asked.

"To meet a nice boy," Georgia said. "I'm finally ready for it you know."

"I agree," Demi nodded. "Mae, what are you saying?"

"I really want to go scuba diving in Egypt," Mae said with a bright grin. Everyone looked to her in surprise. "What? I've got a list of 30 things I want to do by 30, and I'm almost half way done."

"What made you set that list then?" Callum sat up so he could look over at her.

"Um, after my season, I had a cancer scare," Mae revealed, Demi rubbing her leg. "And yeah, it made me realize life isn't guaranteed, so fuck it. I wrote down a list of 30 things and instead of it being bucket list, I gave myself 7 years to do it all."

"I didn't know that," Callum frowned, expecting to have heard something through his socials or even his contact with Paige every so often.

"I didn't talk about it at all outside of friends and family," Mae shrugged. "Paige put me in contact with Dem too, and thats how we became so close. Trauma bonds!"

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