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playing games

"Mae," Molly said with a grin the next morning as the blondes, Joanna, Sophie and Kaz sat together on the terrace. "You got something to share with us then?"

"Yeah," she laughed at the girls eager faces. "Callum and I decided to close things off yesterday. We both are the type of people to be like all in on one person, so this just gives both of us that kind of reassurance that we're on the same page."

"Thats lovely babe," Kaz said as she leaned in to pull the girl in for a cuddle. The girls continued to debrief, asking Joanna about her POA for the day before heading inside to get ready for the day. 

The day for Mae was lowkey, she laid out for a good bit of time with Molly. The two girls commentated the comings and goings of the villa, Callum joining them after his breakfast. "So apparently, Anton off handedly mentioned the boys chat during the vote yesterday to Georgia and Georgia, and both of the girls are not very happy."

"Oh really?" Mae asked in shock. "That is not expected from Anton."

"We don't think he did it maliciously," Callum defended. "Like maybe it was one of those, I had your back things that then turned into them feeling like they were bottom two or whatever."

"Oh that's tough," Mae shook her head. "Bless him but he probably put his foot in his mouth there." Weirdly enough to viewers, the three of them sat around for the rest of the afternoon gossiping before it was time for the islanders to head inside and get ready for the evening.

The islanders let Casey and Joanna lead them in a toast that evening before everyone took their opportunity for some chats. The producers let the islanders relax for a bit before asking them all to head to the fire pit and giving them a deck of cards to use to play never have I ever.

Mae jokingly called Callum a slag when he drank for having a one night stand. There was some back and forth between Casey and Georgia H over apparent ghosting. Arabella and Toby were exposed for doing bits in the villa, Anton had used his instagram to be impressive, and multiple of the group had gotten with a celeberity, including Mae.

"Mae Turley!" Molly gasped as the Scott's cheeks turned red. "Spill."

"Nope," Mae shook her head. 

"Oh thats a footballer for sure," Callum laughed as Mae covered her face and asked for the next question, which was never had they ever gotten their heartbroken by another islander. 

"Ok but do we mean sitting here, or in general?" Mae tried to clarify but didn't get her answer as people clocked that Molly had drank and Callum hadn't. After some other clarifications, Callum ended up drinking too. Tom really kicked up the drama with his turn.

"Never have I ever thought someone else around this fire pit should have gone home last night," the boy said, having to say it again before he was cut off by Georgia Harrison getting on a soap box about how all the boys had wanted to send her home. Then it turned into that Kaz had heard she and Hannah were the final choices, and then Georgia Steele had heard somehow that she was in the mix too.

"Holy god," Mae said under her breath and Harrison, Steele and Anton went back and forth. Josh started piping up and at that point Kaz took a breather and walked off, leading Molly to start going in on the boys about being insensitive and Mae hurried off after the other girl. After checking on her, it was clear people were leaving the game behind and Kaz and Harrison went off to have their own chat.

"How fucking mad," Mae shook her head as she headed into the kitchen and ate some chips as Tom came in to join her and Callum. The three of them watched across the villa as Molly and Casey sat at the fire pit. 

"How you feel about that then?" Mae probed as she saw the talled boy keyed in on that chat.

"I mean, we aren't closed off. And he asked me about it, and I was like go ahead then," Tom said with a shrug.

"So you don't have an issue with that?"

"I mean I don't like that," Tom admitted. "But like, I think she needs to be a little more open with me about how she does feel. I don't want to get to know anyone else in here, but she's been a bit more reserved about it."

"Ok then," Mae nodded her head. "You've got to tell her that. Because if Casey's gone and said to her that you didn't care that he was pulling her, that's going to weigh weird on her mind."

As if Mae had manifested it, Molly came over and asked Tom if he wanted to go off for a chat. The rest of the night stayed calm as many of the islanders wound down after the tense game and headed on inside for bed. There was lots of chats and debriefs in the bathrooms and dressing rooms before everyone was in the bedroom for sleep. 

"If your best mate came in and wanted to chat with me, what would you do?" Mae whispered to Callum as they laid in bed facing each other. 

"Oh absolutely put my foot up his arse," Callum scoffed, reaching over to yank her into his arms as she giggled loudly.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23 ⏰

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