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Columbina was met with the ice cold snow on her face, her face planted in the floor with a solemn expression. Capitano approached Columbina slowly, greatsword raised in hand. She looked back at him for a moment before resting her face in the snow. She let out a laugh, it echoed off the trees and silenced the wind.
"Nothing is humorous, why are you laughing?" Capitano spoke, disgusted. Columbina wiped the smirk off her face, rising to her feet slowly. She pushed her side hairs back and spoke softly, "All this for a woman that doesn't love me, how ironic. I love both of them, I fell in love with Arlecchino the moment we met, I fell in love with Y/N the moment I saw her face up in the cold snow." Columbina slowly walked forward, Capitano readied his greatsword and leaned over, "You will never get a moment to see them again, enjoy your time in the grave. You'll be reunited in your death." He launched forward, slashing the air with a loud whoosh. Columbina bled out, her blood mixing with the snow. "What a beautiful sight, sometimes red really is the most picturesque color." Columbina slowly shut her eyes, her body mixing with the snow. She slowly felt herself slipping from reality, "I truly loved you both, I wish I could've shown it sooner."

Capitano wiped the blood off his sword, suddenly, he seemed to be swarmed with doves. They all flew down, raining hellfire on his mortal body. He attempted to swing, but something about these birds were unnatural. Their beaks pierced like bullets in his chest, causing gashes and open wounds. The mix of the cold ruthless air didn't help a bit. He was not running, holding his bleeding chest, he needed to return to the Tsaritsa quickly. The doves pursued him, not resting a moment to let him go. He slowly fell to the ground as his body slowed along with his seemingly undying vigor. The doves seemed to fly off to Columbina's side, he chuckled, "Bina, you bastard." He had a slow death, allowing himself to feel every bit of pain instead of ending his own life. Columbina opened her eyes and stood up, she slowly walked to him, "You think some petty mortal sword will destroy me? You're highly mistaken." Columbina took the sword from the snow filled grass and raised it to her side, she slowly approached his bleeding body kneeling beside him, "You are smart, Capitano, but you are weak because of your cockiness." She spun the greatsword effortlessly. "You forget I am not flesh and blood like you, I am a wise but old woman from the heavens of Celestia. "You forget your place in front of me." She pointed the tip of the sword at Capitano's mask. She swung the sword hitting it, it flew off into the snow. "Idiotic fool, you dare try and end me? The Celestia will hear your crimes. Saying such things in my presence disgusts me." Columbina took her mask off and her eyes flung open. Her brows furrowed, her eyes were a deep maroon, a color you could easily get lost in. Capitano froze, he started seizing, he couldn't move an inch. All he could do was watch his body get taken over. "Behead yourself." Columbina laid the greatsword in his hand before standing up and walking off. Capitano followed her orders, his head severed from his body in the snow.

Meanwhile, Y/N and Arlecchino were happily together tending to the flowers in the vast garden. The two were calmly humming together and being more content with themselves even amidst the chaos and confusion that Y/N had about her and Arlecchio's relationship. Columbina began to approach the House of Hearth's steps before knocking. One of Arlecchino's orphans was alerted, instantly, one of them creaked open the door and peaked their head from it. "Can I help you Miss Damselette?" She opened the door fully after seeing who it was standing on their doorstep. "I'm looking for Y/N and Arlecchino." She softly smiled, she seemed to have cleaned herself up, as well as putting her eye mask on. Her eyes were shut lightly with a soft smile to top off the angelic seeming human. "Okay, come with me." She led Columbina through the corridors before opening up the door to the outdoor area. There, Arlecchino and Y/N were there laughing and having lemonade in the middle of winter, the child stopped in his tracks, facepalming and groaning once he witnessed how truly unprofessional she was acting, "My apologies Miss Damselette." Columbina snickered, "It's quite alright, I missed this." Columbina took a step forward, "Columbina, nice to see you. Damsel, what are you doing here exactly?" Arlecchino shot up out of her seat, welcoming Columbina with a tight hug. "Well I have something to confess to the both of you." Columbina bowed her head silently before taking both of their hands into her grasp, "I love you, both of you and wish to be apart of this lovely relationship you two have built."

"Wait, what?" Exclaimed Y/N.

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