Daves Traumas Pt.4

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The man who opened the door was a surprise. It wasn't Dave.
Jesse looked up, exhausted but confused. "Wha.. who are you?" He croaked.
"I'm Coyote Peterson. Who are you?"
"Jesse Pinkman. Dave's boyfriend. What is going on..?" Coyote looked confused.
"Dave!" He shouted. He invited Jesse inside and kept his distance. It was a little bizarre to him. Jesse hadn't seen anyone besides men who relentlessly tortured him for 8 months. He didn't know how to act. Dave walked into the room. Jesse looked up.
"Jesse..?" Dave covered his mouth. "Oh my god."

"What happened? Where have you been? I thought you were dead." Dave was overwhelmed with feelings.
Jesse just stared, and began to cry. Dave didn't know how to respond. He just stood there. Gerard Way walked in.
"Who's this, Dave?" He asked. Jesse covered his face with his hands. Not knowing what to say or do anymore.
"You have no idea what I just went through. And you don't even say anything to me." Jesse's voice quivered as he spoke.
"You don't understand! I thought you died!"
"MAYBE I THOUGHT I WAS DEAD TOO." Jesse shouted, his voice breaking. He stopped talking and sobbed. "Jesse.." Jesse didn't look at him. "Jesse." Dave wrapped his arms around him.

Jesse had no words left to say. He couldn't muster up anything. He just sat there and cried as Dave hugged him.
"Jesse. I moved on." Dave said as he pulled away. "I thought you were dead. I can't keep holding onto the past. I'm sorry. I found new lovers." Dave looked away. Jesse didn't say anything. He just stood up and left the house. He got back in his car and cried into his steering wheel. Dave sat in the house in silence. Neither knew what to do.
"Guys, I'm sorry." Dave stood up and walked out of the house. "Dave?" Coyote said, but it was too late. Too late for both of them. Jesse was gone. He didn't know where he went. Dave didn't think even Jesse knew where he was going.

Dave stood outside for a bit. That was until he was getting into his car and leaving his life that he had for the last 6 months behind and going back to his old life. He was able to find Jesse after a bit of driving. Dave got out of the car. Jesse was sitting by the highway, looking over at the lake.
"Jesse." Dave said. Jesse didn't look up at him. Dave could tell he was crying. Dave walked up to him and began rubbing his back. "I love you, Jesse. I love you." Jesse leaned into Dave's shirt, still crying.
"I love you..."

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