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A/N: Do read My otherhalf before proceeding to this story as you will be confused.

" Julessssss,, I'm so late! Dracula's gonna suck my blood dry for sure. I can alr--" Durrah stormed into the resident lounge just like she ran marathon and a look of sheer panic on her face.

Her sentence gets abruptly cut off as she spotted the so called Dracula aka the senior doctor who is visibly fuming, arms crossed and not in the mood for any dora show. The room falls into a tense silence.

Jules, sensing the already burning atmosphere reignited by Durrah, bites her lip and gestures Durrah to do some damage control.

" Oh, drac... sorry Dr. Susan I didn't realize you were here. I was just being slow" she paused, her face shows she is about to say something silly. Jules shoots her a look and mouthed while shaking her head , "Don't say it, don't"

But before Jules can stop her, Durrah blurts out.

"Like a turtle without its coffee?" She nervously laughs, catching the disapproving glare from Susan and a facepalm from Jules.

She was so dead.

" Slow like a turtle? Do you find this a joking time? Do you think I am here for your stupid jokes? Don't you want to practice properly, or are you planning to be lazy doctors?" Dr. Susan's eyes pierce through the room, demanding an explanation.

Jules and Durrah shift uncomfortably, but Jules heart gets stuck in her throat when she saw Durrah trying her best to not laugh at Susan as Durrah always had a behaviour to laugh during serious situations. If she laughs now, Jules already left the hospital and reached her hometown in her mind.

" This is a hospital for god's sake, not a playground for your silly antics. Punctuality is the least I expect from you. Next time, next time I don't want this nuisance to happen" Finishing her scoldings, she turns on her heel and slams the door shut behind her.

"Wow, I had a nice evening snack at home, but now my stomach is so full just from hearing her. I really want to steal her diet sheet, so that I can also has the same energy as her" Durrah said slumping back in her rotating chair.

" Well atleast your evening snack had flavour bro, this lady's lecturers are more like bland hospital cafeteria food- necessary but hardly enjoyable" Jules said while sitting on the couch cross legged and opened her notebook to write about her new study.

Jules was about to fall back on the couch but stood up swiftly hesring her name clled through the intercom earning a helpless cry from her.

" Enjoy your evening hun, I have a long surgery to attend" Jules said while rushing out leaving a bored Durrah alone.

"Even after I came this late I am jobless" Durrah sighed while she went towards her locker and wore her long white apron and Id.

" Comeon Durrah, let's see if there is anyone who is jobless as me" Durrah went out of the resident lounge only to get hit by a kid who was running a mararthon just like her.

"Hey hey little champ. Deep breathes kid" Durrah patted the back of the kid who was in a patient gown, breathing profusely making her panic a bit.

Durrah held his little wrist and slowly took him near a bench and made him sit, all thia time the kid was literally glaring at her.

Crouching on her knee on the white floor, she held his both hands in hers, while slightly stroking it.

" I hate you" Durrah was taken aback by this tiny humans sudden outburst, all she could see was his moist eyes and honestly hate in his delicate ones

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