Chapter 2

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it had been 2 weeks since the Feral Apocalypse started and they were already almost out of food. they had maybe a weeks worth left, so they would only eat for dinner to make it last longer. they were safe at the mansions since feral monsters hadn't come their way, at least not yet. Lagoona was trying to warm herself up with the fire, but they were out of wood, she turned to Frankie.

Lagoona: Frankie?

Frankie yawned and sat up from the floor

Frankie: yeah?

Lagoona: we're out of wood, and it's getting cold

Frankie: oh... um, Drac?

Draculaura heard Frankie from her room. Draculaura's stomach was growling and sleeping wasn't taking the pain away. she shook her head and got out of bed and walked out of her room, she went downstairs and walked to Frankie and Lagoona

Draculaura: what is it?

Frankie: we're out of wood... could you get some?

Draculaura grabbed her stomach which was growling again. she swallowed  a lump in her throat and nodded. she went to the door and went outside, she ventured pretty far from the mansion and started collecting some sticks, leaves, pretty much anything that can burn. 


she jumped hearing a twig snap behind her, she thought it was a feral, but when she turned around she saw a baby bunny. suddenly Draculaura's stomach growled louder, she grunted and fell to her knees while gripping it. she looked at the bunny again and licked her lips, she jumped toward the poor baby bunny and pinned him onto his back and extended her claws and was about to rip into it


Draculaura felt it starting to rain and saw lightning happening. this loud sound and looking closer at the terrified animal snapped her out of it. she slapped herself across the face and shook her head. she gently grabbed the baby who was squirming and whimpering, Draculaura sat on the ground and began stroking its back while shushing it. soon she let it go and watched it run of

Dracualura: Was I Actually Gonna Do That!? If I Baby Bunny Gonna Make Me Act Like That... W-Will My Friends Make Me!?

she just sighed and picked up the sticks and leaves


she jumped again, dropping the sticks and leaves. she looked around but didn't see anything. suddenly a werewolf jumped at her sending them to the ground. Draculaura screamed and tried to push her off but the werewolf covered her mouth

Selena: Shh! too loud...

Draculaura tried to speak but her voice was muffled

Selena: I'm not going to hurt you, I'm not one of them

Draculaura soon calmed down and Selena moved her paw away

Draculaura: who... who are you?

Selena: I'm Selena wolf

Draculaura: hello... do you need help?

Selena: you could say that

she stood up and Draculaura saw a large bump in her stomach. her eyes widened

Draculaura: Your Having A Baby!?

Selena covered her mouth again

Selena: Shh! I Can't If I'm Infected!

Draculaura moved her paw

Dracualura: sorry, sorry! but... why?!

Selena's ears pricked up as she heard growls

Selena: I'll Talk At Your Place!

she grabbed Draculaura's hand and they both ran back to the mansion, Draculaura opened the doors and helped Selena in then shut the doors and locked them tightly. everyone gathered around the two

Deuce: who is this? we can't be bringing new people! We Barely Have Enough For 5 and now there's 6 of us!

Selena: make that seven...

she stroked her stomach. everyone held the same shocked expression Draculaura held, except Frankie who was only 2 weeks old and didn't know kids were born, not made. Draculaura made a mental note that she would have to have a talk with Frankie about this. Cleo helped Selena sit down and offered her some water which Selena accepted

Draculaura: Selena, why are you having a kid? no one should have to grow up in this apocalypse!

Selena: I know! I didn't want this... it was an accident, Apollo and I... he didn't use protection and now we have a kid...

Deuce: Apollo? weird monster name

Selena: he isn't a monster... he's human, this baby's human half...

everyone: WHAT!?

Frankie: But Humans And Monsters Dating, Let Alone Having Kids Together Is Punishable By Death!

Selena: well the law isn't a thing anymore! listen all I know is, me and Apollo were walking through the forest wondering what to do when those ferals jumped us, I ran and I have no idea what happened to Apollo... I can't do this alone...

Cleo came back with the water and handed it to Selena who drank it in one gulp. Draculaura placed a hand on her shoulder

Draculaura: you can stay with us for as long as you need

Deuce: But The Food-

Draculaura: She Has A Baby Deuce!

Deuce sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. Selena grabbed Draculaura's hand

Selena: thank you...

Draculaura: of course...

Selena rubbed her belly, waiting for the baby to arrive. the last hope of civil monsters, maybe this baby could change the world to what it once was...

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