Chapter 22

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they were walking through a forest and noticed a car.

Draculaura: we could use a car

Frankie: but it's not ours

Deuce: all this food isn't ours but you had no problem stealing it

Frankie: true. but how do we get it?

Lagoona walked over to a big log and began pushing, everyone helped and soon it was rolling toward the car and crashed into it. suddenly a zombie ran out of the car and a werewolf stepped out and pointed a gun at the zombie and shot him. Draculaura took out her own gun and put it on the back of his head

Alvin: fuck..

he dropped his gun

Frankie: good, now keep looking forward.

Alvin: Please! I Need Help!

Draculaura: help? you look like you can handle yourself just fine

Alvin: that's not what I meant

Cleo grabbed the gun and placed it in her pocket

Draculaura: do not do anything stupid. or I will shoot you a lot quicker than you did.

he turned around and was surprised to see a bunch of kids

Alvin: are you all kids?

Cleo: Draculaura's at least 2000 now, Frankie's 4, I'm 19 so is Deuce and Lagoona's 18

Alvin: so kids? did you do that, with the log?

Draculaura: we were trying to stop the car

they went to check on the car but it looked broken

Alvin: what do you need the truck for?

Draculaura: to drive. now hands up!

Apollo: I'm A Victim-

Frankie: we're all victims!

Alvin: so it's okay for you to rob me?

Draculaura took his backpack off and began going through it

Draculaura: we saved you, didn't we?

she took out some cookies

Alvin: Hey! those are for my wife, Daughters and son! They Love Cookies!

she placed it back in his bag

Draculaura: go, or we will shoot

Alvin: Wait! My Son, Daughters And Wife! They're Stuck At My Home! I Live Next To A Graveyard, They're Still There And I Need To Get Back To Them!

Deuce: I think we know where that is.. say, do you have a car?

Alvin: a truck, yeah.

Deuce: we'll take you there, if you give us your truck

Alvin: Why Can't You Just Give Me Directions?

Draculaura: why don't I shoot you and take the truck? lets go

they walked back in the forest, they were walking behind Apollo to keep an eye on him

Alvin: quit staring

Cleo: we don't know you, we don't trust you. and we're not taking any chances

Alvin: I get it, you can't trust anyone these days.

Frankie: glad we understand each other

Alvin: my name's Alvin, by the way. my wife calls me Alvie

Cleo: I'm Cleo, that's Draculaura, Frankie, Lagoona an Deuce

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