Chapter 6

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Deuce and Draculaura were walking around, making sure the place was safe

Deuce: so how's the place looking?

Draculaura: I have to admit, this place seems pretty secure

Deuce: I can't wait for the others to get here, maybe we can even stay

Draculaura: now hold on buddy, I understand if you want to stay, but you can't decide for the whole group

Deuce: do you want to stay?

Draculaura: I... I mean the place is secure, and has baby stuff. but are these people safe? I still lose my mind when I'm hungry, what if they run out of food?

Deuce: their Sea Monsters Drac. Lagoona threatens to eat us all the time

that's when they noticed a Feral tied to a tree

Draculaura: something about them tying these guys up is giving me the creeps

Deuce: come on, lets actually make sure he's up there good

Draculaura approached him and jumped back when he tried to bite her, she quickly tugged on the rope and sighed in relief when she was positive the rope was tight

Draculaura: when Selena has the baby, we need to make sure he or she won't be over here. even when they're older. now come on, I'm sure there will be some more

they continue walking

Deuce: I still can't believe a baby will have to grow up in this world, no kid should be traumatized on the day they are born

Draculaura: who says they will be traumatized?

Deuce: uh, did you come from another dimension or the past? I'm just saying, a kid doesn't know what the world is like. what if we can't keep it safe?

Draculaura: we will keep it safe, I promised Selena we would. especially if something happens to her

Deuce: why do I think something will happen to her?

Draculaura: you don't know that

Deuce: well parents always sacrifice themselves for their kids, I'm just saying

before Draculaura could reply, Deuce pointed out

Deuce: look

Draculaura: I see it

they saw another feral tied to the tree, Draculaura again checked to make sure it was tied up good. after confirming, they continued walking

Deuce: I can't stop thinking about dinner!

Draculaura: it has to be something small

Deuce: Drac, They Grow Their Food! And It's All Vegan! so you don't have to worry about eating meat any time soon, and maybe never if we can stay here!

he then noticed one last feral tied to the tree

Deuce: Oh Man!

Draculaura: I think this might be the last one

Deuce: it better be, should we check? I mean the last two were fine

Draculaura: better to be safe then sorry

they check to see if the rope is tied tightly but the feral jumped on Deuce

Draculaura: DEUCE!

Draculaura quickly grabbed the feral and pushed it back on the tree when suddenly an arrow was shot at it, pinning it to the tree. Draculaur and Deuce cringed hearing its scream of agony. they both then dodged more arrows and sprinted back to the house. when they got back to the house, John came running out of the house

John: what's wrong?

Draculaura: We Were Just Attacked Out There! One Of Those Ferals Got Lose And Someone Shot It To A Tree And Almost Shot Us!

John: Gang Members Did What!?

Dan: What's Going On?

John: Gang Members Just Shot At Them!

Dan: are you two alright?

Deuce: well minus almost getting infected and getting an arrow shot at us, we're fine

then Frankie, Cleo and Lagoona came to them

Frankie: Hey Guys!

Cleo: are you two okay?

Draculaura: we almost got shot with an arrow!

Lagoona: Arrows!?

John: I Knew We Shouldn't Have Trusted Them!

Frankie: You Knew Of Them!?

John: Yes, But We Never Thought They'd Do This! We Just Gave Them Food To Keep Them Off Our Backs!

Dan: but there's no way we're gonna let them get away with this! I'll go scope them out

he walks away

John: Bro, Your Gonna Get Yourself Infected Out There!

Dan ignored his older brother and continued walking, soon disappearing

John: *sigh* I should go tell Mom

he walks back inside the house

Cleo: Arrows? this place isn't safe!

Frankie: It's More Safe Then That Mansion!

Cleo: We're Having A Baby Soon! Do You Want That Cutie Getting Shot At!

Draculaura: speaking of baby, where's Selena?

Frankie: she had some food on the way back so she volunteered to stay behind with Mia and Hollow and hold down the fort until we got back

Draculaura: we should try and make friends with these guys, so we can stay here

Frankie: you got it

Draculaura noticed Shell sitting on the front steps of the house

Draculaura: I'll be right back

she walked over to her and sat next to her

Shell: I miss Dave

Draculaura: Dave?

Shell: my father, he was a great gardener and a great grandfather

suddenly they heard Cleo yell

Cleo: You May Only Be 6 Months Old, But That Doesn't Mean You Just Get To Sit On Your Butt and Let Us Risk Losing Our Sanity!

Frankie: Oh Calm Down Princess! I Do Everything At That Mansion While You Throw Tantrums!

Frankie walked away and Cleo walked the other way

Draculaura: ignore them

Shell: you all fight a lot, huh?

Draculaura: don't mind them, it's how they are right now. at first it was about who should be in charge but now Cleo thinks Frankie isn't doing anything to help

Shell: it's hunger talking. we all go a bit crazy when we're hungry, don't worry, we'll have a meal for you all shortly. and Draculaura, don't worry about those Gang Members, we'll make sure they won't touch any of you or that little baby

Draculaura: thanks, I'm gonna go have a look around until dinner

Shell: don't go too far, dinner will be in 10 minutes. I think I saw Frankie go into the field 

Draculaura nodded and went to the field and saw Frankie there. she took a deep breath and went toward them. Shell shook her head sadly and walked back inside the house

Shell: such nice monsters... it'll be better for them if they just accept their fates...

she walked inside the house

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