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Conrad obnoxiously shouted at the maid who bumped on him and spilled some juice on his shirt. I went near him to calm him down since he's raging mad like a bull that has a smoke coming out of his nose. When he calmed down, I followed the maid who's for sure got hurt on what Conrad did to her. I get some couple of one thousand pesos cash on my purse.

"I'm sorry about that, he's just upset at what happened earlier at school. Here, take this." I smiled at her as I handed her the money.

She thanked me before she walked away.

Conrad might have been really upset on how Ma'am Felicia taught him a lesson. He got caught using his vape inside their classroom. Ma'am Felicia threatened him that she will tell to Conrad's father what he did if he won't surrender his vape. He got no choice but to surrender the vape I gave him and that is really expensive.

Bumalik ako sa lounge where Conrad is sitting while drinking his red bull. The sound of my heels echoed the whole hallway. Their house is tranquil as always since only Conrad is living here. I sat beside him. He placed his one hand on my bare thigh. I smiled before slightly hugging right side of his body. His scent linger on my nose, strong and very manly.

"You shouldn't did that to your maid, babe."

"The fvck I care about that woman."

My brows furrowed, I removed my hands from hugging him. "That's not so nice of you," I disappointedly said.

"You know what babe? You should stop being so soft hearted. You shouldn't even care about people like them."

Here he goes again. I shook my head before getting my things, preparing to leave.

"Where are you going?"

"I will start preparing for tomorrow's party, bye."

I make my way out of their house. Kumuha ako ng gum sa purse ko saka ito sinimulang nguyain. I put on my sunglasses before turning on the machine of my pink sports car.

Hindi ako didiretso sa bahay dahil tapos naman na ang preparation para sa magaganap na big party bukas ng gabi. Minabuti kong sa mall magpunta 'cause I'm in the mood to go on shopping. May new released din kasi na limited edition ang paborito kong brand ng bags and I'm really into their collection so hindi ko papalagpasin 'yon.

My eyes twinkled when I saw elegant bags on their shop. They're are so pretty! Bagay ang mga 'yon sakin! I could picture myself wearing those in different outfit.

I get everything that my eyes want without looking at their prices. I have my mom's black card with me and I can use it whenever I want. I just hope that dad won't know about it, mom and I will probably be scolded if he knew.

"Nine hundred, ninety eight thousand pesos, in total ma'am. Cash or card?"

"Card, here."

After a couple of seconds, they let me sign for the papers of the bags I bought. Ma'am wouldn't mind almost a million pesos, siya nga umaabot ng 2 million kapag nagsho-shopping.

My lips drew a big wide smile as I walk outside the shop carrying couple of bags on each of my hands. The sound of my stilettos caught the attention of the people I walk pass by. Sinusundan nila ako ng tingin at iba pa nga'y napapanganga, not being exaggerated but I can see them in my peripheral view.

"Alam mo? Kayo na lang magsama." I heard the girl said to her boyfriend who's staring at me.

I slightly chuckled as I turned my way to another hallway, I'm used to it. Just when I turned my way, I bumped into someone. I almost fell on the floor! Luckily, that someone caught me on his arms on the right time. He has a good grip.

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