Chapter 3

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CHAPTER 2: "You're not my girlfriend?"

Muntik kong nabitawan ang phone. Dang! The girl she's with looks exactly like me. My skin is lighter than her and her hair is longer than mine but our face features are almost the same. We can pass as twins!

Wait... does this mean he thought I was his girlfriend? Because I look like her? Maybe I can ask for some things I need on him, mayaman naman siya eh. I know this is kinda evil but I'm in need so I can't choose to do the right thing. I swear, once I get back to my usual life, I will pay Khade with interest.

Inayos ko ang face ko before pumasok nang nakangiti sa loob ng house. I need to act like I'm in love with Khade para convincing. This will be a piece of cake, I know how to act since I'm the President of the theater club in our school, I do act plays a hundred times na.

"Khade, here's your phone." I handed his phone and sat beside him. "Thank you for letting me borrow it."

He smiled with a wandering look on me. "You're welcome, love."

Love. So that's their call sign.

Nanay Nonita and Tatay Pedring are in the kitchen, cooking something for Khade. I'm just sitting there while looking at the window when I feel Khade staring at me. I squinted my eyes when I looked at him.

"Why are you staring at me?"

"You're lovely."

My eyes blinked a couple of times on how sincere he was when he said that. He's badly in love! I could tell that.

"You really meant it when you said you will learn how to speak in English," he said. "It's just been a couple of weeks since the last time we saw each other but now you're so fluent, you amazed me, love," he proudly said and then held  my hand and planted a soft kiss on the back of it.

Wow, there's really a man like him. How I wish I can find someone who's like him.

"T-thanks." I avoided his gaze for him not to catch me lying. I don't know but I'm expecting him to kiss me on my lips but when he kissed on the back of my hand, my heart fluttered. That's way more romantic than a kiss on the lips.

"So, paano ka napunta rito kila Tatay Pedring?"

I think of a safe answer. "I-I'm.. working here.." That spontaneously came out of my mouth.

"Working? As?" pangungusisa pa niya.

"Maid?" I answered with a question, fvck.

"Katulong?" ulit niya sa sinabi ko to confirm if what he heard is right. What if mayaman pala ang girlfriend niya??

"Yes, katulong," paninindigan ko and wished that he wouldn't suspect anything.

"I can help you and your family if ever you're going through financial needs."

My eyes lightened up when he said that. "Really?"

He nodded.

"Marami akong kailangan, you sure?" I double checked.

"Sure!" He looks so happy.

"I need a mattress for my bed, also a comforter. An aircon too kasi it's very mainit here. I need skin care from Velvetry, their glowy set. And I need a body wash, body scrub, shampoo, conditioner, oil for hair care, and lotion from PrettyYou. Then a set of complete make-up with make-up remover, whether a water base or oil base make-up remover. Make sure there's also a lip balm that can moisturize my lips ah. Lastly, I need a phone and a wifi," I continuously stated without having a break. "Oh, saka pala watermelon na walang seeds," pahabol ko saka ngumiti.

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