Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: "LUI??"

Luisandria's POV

Where am I? Ugh, my sight is spinning around and my head is aching so bad. Why does my back hurt so much? Why does my bed feel so hard??

Ouchhh, my back is really hurting. Did I slept on the floor? Fvck, I got so drunk last night. Where's my phone...

I tried looking for my phone but I couldn't feel my bedside table. Maybe it's on the other side. Without opening my eyes I continued searching for my phone using my hands.

Where the fvck is it?? What time is it na ba? It's super bright sa room ko, who opened the curtains ba??

I tried opening my eyes but only one of it opened half. Everything is blurred, I couldn't see clear.

I pushed myself to sit up. I pulled my hair to release the ache on it. Where's my phone baaa??? Using my both hands, I remove my muta on my eyes.

My window is open and sun is coming inside my room that's making it so hard for me to open my swollen eyes. I get my comforter to block the sunlight but what the heck?! Why is my comforter so thin?? The sunlight can get through on it.

Using my very best, I opened my eyes and there I saw, it's not my comforter at all. Even the bed! It ain't my bed! Napatayo ako sa takot. I'm not in my room!

What the heck? What kind of clothes am I wearing? This is so out of my style! Who sent me in here??

Oh freak...

My eyes blinked multiple times. Napa-upo ako sa baba ng kama.

Last night... there was blood... in my own hands...


I found myself shedding tears as I stared at my shaking hands. Please tell me it was all a dream. Did I hurt her so bad? But there was blood! I do hurt her so bad. How is she now? I need to go and check her!

I hurried myself to stand up and look for my phone but there's nothing in this room except a bed without any mattress, a box consisting of some old fashioned clothes, and a small electric fan that's full of dust. No aircon, no bathroom, no walk-in closet consisting of designer clothes, bags, shoes and accessories, and no gadgets! How can I survive a day in this kind of situation? Argh!

How?? Paano ako napunta rito?? I know this will serve as an escape on what I did to Naih but still no. I will choose to face her and ask for forgiveness on what I did because I know that I crossed the line as they crossed the line. I don't want to think about what happened to my party because the picture of blood on my hands was flashing back on my mind. I have a phobia of blood.

Wait, I just realized, I don't remember being in this kind of house, mom and dad would never put me in here. D-did someone kidnapped me? O-or did Naih plan this to have her revenge?? Fvck.

I pushed the door for it to open but it didn't. Fuck! Am I really being kidnapped?? "H-helppppppp!!!"

Then my eyes caught the window so I rushed to it and opened it. When I was about to open it, I saw an old man holding an axe. I gulped before erasing what I wanted to do.

"No, no, no, no." I stepped back.

I sat down in the corner of the room, crying so hard. "Helppppppp! Mommmm! Daddddd!"

Mas isiniksik ko ang sarili sa kinauupuan nang makarinig ng yapak ng mga paa palapit sa kwarto kung nasaan ako, nagbabakasaling hindi ako makita. When the door opened, an old woman went inside the room. She seems harmless.

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