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Jimin's POV

"Did you get an email yet?"
My roommate and best friend,taehyung,asked as he set a mug of sweet tea on my reading table.. I took a huge bite from my cookie, with my eyes fixated on my old model laptop screen...
"No, I'm keeping my fingers crossed" I answered, taehyung ruffled my hair and went to his own section of tiny wardrobe..
"Don't worry, you'll get it soon" taehyung said as he shuffled through his clothes..
I drank my tea as I closed my laptop...
Jeon's modeling agency was looking for a gem In the mud, I so happened to see the advertisement on my way to college, I've always wanted to model, I was born with this zeal. I tried a lot of small agencies and after tryouts they don't just get back to me.. Maybe I wasn't good enough..
"You're really good with it, so I don't think anyone would want to miss out on you" taehyung added, as if reading my thoughts, I smiled.. Although he didn't see because we both had our backs towards each other..
"What if they send an email to decline my application" I said as my smile dropped..
"What happened to being positive?" taehyung asked, walking towards his single bed, he already had his outfit for the day in hand
"I don't know anymore, I've been trying for so long.. And them not reaching out to me makes me feel I'm not doing so well" I pouted
"That's nonsense, you've modeled for me right here in this room, and I can attest that you're good.. Stop being negative and go shower, we have class in an hour" taehyung said ruffling my hair again.

I groaned and stood up from my seat, applying to jeon's agency is no jokes, this is just me trying to fish in the sea. There's actually 0.1 chance of me being picked... But I'm gonna toss my coin in a wishing well and pray this time around, something good comes out of it..

I headed for my wardrobe and grabbed my towel, I was about heading to the bathroom when my second roomie entered the room.. We locked eyes for a moment..

Yoongi was such a difficult but yet a sweet person whenever he wanted, he's dedicated to jogging every morning, I could never, if he's not doing that, he's sleeping or just having his chill, he's a very quiet guy, he hardly talk unless you talk to him first, but we get along pretty well.. At least we try..

"How was your jog" taehyung asked, yoongi just gave a thumbs up, while using his shirt to dry his sweaty face..
Yoongi then started heading for the bathroom, but stopped besides me, he stared at me for a few, then turned back heading to his bed which was above taehyung's..
I quirked my brows for a moment before realising
"Oh you can go first.." I said
"It's all good, you go ahead" yoongi muttered but I heard him, I stared at taehyung who just shrugged and signaled me to go shower, I did just that.

I sighed as I got out of the bathroom, with my towel aggressively drying my hair.. I didn't have time to blow dry because I was already running late, and taehyung was already giving those 'you're gonna make us late look'.
I gave him an apologetic smile and my eyes darted to yoongi's small frame on the bed, not to be judgemental because I'm a small person as well, he had his eyes closed, was he sleeping?.. I didn't know if I should let him know I was done using the bathroom but I decided against it and went on with my business...

Few minutes later I was done dressing up and slung my backpack on my back, I signaled taehyung for us to leave, not without grabbing my laptop.. I took my used dish to the kitchen..

"We're leaving"
I heard taehyung said, I stepped out of the kitchen finding taehyung talking to yoongi, the latter sat up on his bed
"Alright" was all he said
We hardly saw yoongi in school because he was in a different faculty, for music and arts
Taehyung and I were studying same thing, so we were basically two peas in a pod.
I waved at yoongi which he returned
Then I and Tae stepped out.


Jungkook's POV

I opened my eyes to the sound of my alarm, I sat up on my bed and pressed the alarm shut, 6:25am, I rubbed my eyes a few times and got off the bed..
I did a few stretch then headed to bathroom, I brushed my teeth then headed out of the bathroom.

I entered my kitchen and started shuffling around thinking of what to make for breakfast for my daughter, I decided to make pancakes..
After much hassle, I set up the dining table and headed to my daughter's room..

She laid on her back, with her hair sprawled all over her pillow and face, I smiled as I walked up to her, I sat on her bed and gave her a peck on the forehead
"Wakey wakey" I said in a singsong voice, she stirred but didn't wake up..
"Bora? Angel?" I shook her gently..
she slowly opened her eye, I smiled down at her.. She yawned
"Good morning" I chirped
"Guu morning" she drawled out in a sleepy voice and rubbed her eyes..
"You had a good night rest?" I asked
She shook her head as I pried her off the bed and onto my arms, I laughed
"Why angel?"
"Bowa don't like school" she mumbled into my neck, I chuckled..
"Thats why you didn't have a good night rest?"
I felt her nod, I shook my head in amusement as I carried her to her bathroom to brush her teeth, I then showered her and dressed her up for school, she played with her plush toy while I tried to pack her hair in two pigtails..
"Bora honey, could you sit still, I'm trying to get your hair perfectly done" I said staring at her in the mirror, she stared at me and smiled..
"Sowwy daddy" I beamed..
After I finished packing her hair, I took her to the living room and put on her favorite cartoon while I went to serve her breakfast..
I carried her in my arms to the dining room and placed her on the chair, I decided to feed her since she was a slow eater.. By the time we were done it was already 7am..she had to be in school by 7:30, I let her continue her cartoon while I went to shower and prepare for work.

I arranged bora's backpack and packed juice,water and cookies for her, I didn't have to bother with her lunch because she closes by 12pm..after everything was set, I strapped her in her seater and entered the car..
"Daddy, am I seeing gwandma today?" Bora asked, I looked at her from the rear view mirror, she was playing with her strap, not looking at me..
"No angel"
"Why" she frowned, I started the ignition and started driving out of the compound..
"You'll see her on weekend, I promise"
"Pinky pwomise!" she squealed..
"Yeah, pinky promise"
I sighed as I drove onto the bussing city..

A spell too far//♥︎JIKOOK ❤️‍🔥Where stories live. Discover now