
36 3 0

Jimin's POV

As early as 5am, I was already up, I was excited and nervous at the same time, I've only seen JMA on TVs, and the amazing models they've trained and work with.

So me actually going there today was making me have cold feets, and I almost want to chicken out.

I tossed about on my bed unable to sleep at all, I checked my phone, it was 5:40..i breathed out.. Today was going to be a long day.


"Are you okay?" taehyung asked, he had a toothbrush In his mouth, he stood facing me without a shirt on..
"Yeah, just nervous" I replied, it was 6:30, and I was preparing to go shower... As usual yoongi was out.

"You're gon kill it, I believe in you" taehyung said heading to the bathroom, I just shrugged and went to my wardrobe to bring out my outfit for the day, I was freaking nervous and didn't know what to wear, although they didn't require a specific clothing but I needed to give it my all... I don't know, it's just my nervousness kicking in..

"Taehyung can you come help me pick an outfit!?" I halfyelled tilting my head to the bathroom door..
"Coming!" I heard taehyung.. He soon came out of the bathroom
"Why don't you go shower, I'll pick your outfit"
He said grinning
"Thanks, you're a life saver.." I smiled and head into the bathroom room..

When I came out, Tae already had my outfit laid out on my bed, I awed and high fived him.. Taehyung was my other half, he always knew what I wanted and when I needed it..

We've been friends since diapers, we were each other's back bone and comforter, I wouldn't trade him for anything..

I dressed up while taehyung went to shower to prepare for class, by the time we were both ready it was after 7.

Yoongi arrived home all sweaty as usual, he had a plastic bag with him and handed it to taehyung..
"What?" taehyung asked as he collected the bag, he peeked inside, I quirked my eyebrows eager to know what was in the bag..

"Sandwiches?". Taehyung asked looking at yoongi.. Yoongi nodded..
"Wow, thoughtful" Tae said as he brought out the packed sandwiches, he handed one to me and one pack to yoongi..

"I really appreciate yoongs but I'm not hungry yet" I said smiling sweetly at him, he smiled back..
"I think you should eat, I don't know if they'd allow you eat over there" yoongi said
"Yeah and we don't know when you'll finish, remember you're not the only one coming for the tryouts " taehyung added...
"Well that makes sense" I said as I slung my crossbody bag over me... I checked my phone 7:30
"I'll have to eat in the cab, I'm already late" I said as I hurriedly grabbed a can of water, I thanked yoongi for the food and exited the dorm with taehyung following behind, he was already munching on his sandwich..


I got to JMA, and was glad I didn't run late...
The company was huge and was really a tall building.. I breathed out, I was standing right in front of JMA. Who would have thought..

I gripped on my bag nervously as i approached the entrance, my palms were all sweaty and I didn't know where to go, everyone was walking in And out of the agency pretty fast..

I got close to the revolving door and swallowed hard, yes I'm aware this type of door exist but I haven't used one before, I stood rooted on my spot watching people hurriedly go in and out..

I internally whined and wished taehyung was here, he would have figured it all out for me, I stared at the guards for help but they were rooted in their place like statues..

I guess I was going to miss my chance because of a friggin door.. I made attempt to move forward but took a step back..

"Hey, are you good?" a voice called behind me, I swiftly turned and oh boy the man before me was entirely gorgeous, coupled with his glasses on..
"Uhh, yeahh.. I'm good.. I just.." I paused, was I seriously gonna tell him I was scared of a door.. I looked back at the death threat trying to give the man a hint of what my problem was.. I heard him chuckled..
"You're finding it hard to go in?" he asked with a slight hint of mockery, my cheeks flushed from embarrassment, I just looked down at my feet and simply nodded..

He held my hand and helped me go through the door , how sweet of him, he decided we do it a couple of more times, till I could use the door by myself, it was quite embarrassing but I was glad he was willing to take his time and teach me how to use the revolving door.

After a quick practice ,he went in first and asked me to come in after him, which I did.
I looked at him and he gave me a bright smile and a thumbs up, I smiled then bowed to thank him..

"Are you here for tryouts?" he asked me..
"Yes sir" I responded with my heart in my mouth, this was it.. The moment I've been waiting for..
"Walk with me then" he said and started walking, I followed him like a lost puppy...
"What's your name?"
"Ji.. Jimin.. Park.." I cleared my throat, second embarrassment washed over me, why was I stuttering?
"Park jimin" I said again, I saw his head bob in a nodding manner..
"Don't be so nervous, you're gonna have a great day" he said then turned to me smiling sweetly, I nodded in affirmation, keeping my fingers crossed.. I let what he said sink into me and tried to relax, I was going to have a great day, I repeated in my head..

We entered an elevator, heading up, I was awestruck and my mouth was agape, the view was mesmerizing, I could see tiny see the whole city from where I stood.. And the tiny cars..

The elevator dinged signaling we arrived our destination, I walked behind the gorgeous man, he led me to a waiting area where I met other people like myself, here for tryouts, they were about 15 and they had a number tagged on them..

A lady approached me with no expression and gave me my own tag which was number 16, I plastered it on my hoodie and bowed slightly..

The man who brought me in offered me a seat and left..

We were in the waiting area for about 40 minutes, with more people filing in. By the time I saw the man again, we were already up to 40..he smiled at me as he walked to the lady and whispered something to her, she nodded and left..

The man greeted and we greeted back in unison

"I'm Kim seokjin, preferably Mr jin" he paused and smiled at us..
"So first, I'm going to rewrite your names.." he brought out a note pad..
"We were expecting more people, but we can't delay because of them.. Probably most are stuck in traffic or didn't get the email" he said as he noted some things down..
"So you'll be giving me your names according to your number tags"

We struck 50 before we were done giving out our names..
"I'm going to have someone usher you all to the dressing room and then the makeup studio, before the main studio.. "
"We're gonna dressup and makeup for free?! " a girl asked, flattered.. Mr Jin smiled at her
"Yes miss... And also remember this is tryouts, we only need 20 people and we'll selecting 20 out of y'all...so you gotta give it your best okay?" Mr Jin said, I heard some people mumbled, probably stressed about what Mr Jin said, I was stressed too... What if I don't get picked.. Mr Jin left us and I brought my phone out of my bag, I checked the time it was 9:25am...i saw few notifications from taehyung and... Yoongi? I smiled as I unlocked my phone... I clicked on taehyung's text first..


You're going to kill this!!
Let's have soju when you get back
Fighting (ง ͠° ͟ل͜ ͡°)ง
I grinned from ear to ear, i opened yoongi's text

Yoongs 😎

I just wanted to wish you good luck 🍀

I smiled and dipped my phone back in my bag, I'm gonna have a great day... I recalled Mr Jin's word..

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