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Jungkook's POV

After dropping Bora at her school, I headed straight for work, it was going to be a busy day as we would be selecting new models out of thousands that applied..

I parked In front of my company and alighted from the car, I handed the keys to one of the guard standing at the entrance of the company, he was to go park the car at the garage and hand the key back to me..

He bowed slightly as he collected the keys and I headed inside, wearing my cold expression, with my head held high... Staffs bowed in greeting and I bowed slightly too.. I saw my PA heading towards me..

"Good morning Mr jeon" he bowed as he collected my suitcase.. I bowed slightly in response.. We both entered the private elevator to the top floor where my office was...

We got to my office and I sat down..
"Any reports?" I asked as I wore my glasses..
Seokjin carefully placed my suitcase on my desk, and took out his tab from under his arm, typical...
"Uhhh, no schedule actually... But you'll have to crosscheck out the people we picked for tryouts" seokjin said swiping and scrolling through his tab
"Why do I have to crosscheck, why don't you do that? You just need to take the ones with good facial profile, heights and body" I said while furrowing my eye brows
"Yes sir, I know, I did that but i just needed you to crosscheck if there's anyone you want out" seokjin said pursing his lips
"So how many have you got on your tab?" I asked..
"About 70"
I grunted
"You know what, just have them come over on Wednesday... Send them an acceptance letter for tryouts, Wednesday 8am, I'll do a physical crosscheck" I said resting on my chair
"Okay sir.. " seokjin bowed
"Send them right about now, so they'll have time to prepare"
Seokjin bowed and muttered an okay, I dismissed him.
I took off my suit and hung it on the rack, then rolled up my sleeves revealing my tattoo..
I brought out my laptop trying to contact few clients for collaboration..

Time flew by fast and I had to pick Bora from school, I got to her school and she was napping peacefully... I carried her on my arms as her teacher helped me with her backpack and lunchbox.. I caught her drooling while handling me the items, it was normal so I didn't pay much attention to it...

Bora snuggled in deeply to my neck as I walked to the car..
"Daddy's here" I muttered, although she was fast asleep...
I placed her gently on her seater and buckled her up, her bangs were covering her face slightly and I used my finger to brush it off while smiling, she was my little bundle of joy..

I placed her stuff in the trunk of my car and drove off to the company..
I carried my sleeping daughter in my arms as I entered the hall and straight to my office, I gently placed my baby on the couch and went over the telephone to contact my PA..
"can you order food for bora and I?" I asked immediately seokjin picked...
"Sure thing" seokjin chirped... He was a fan of Bora but she didn't like him and hardly go close to him, I didn't know her reasons.. I've tried to let her know seokjin was a nice person.. But she was only comfortable with hoseok, my best friend whom was out of town for work..

Jimin's POV

"Omo, today was nerve wrecking" I sighed as I and taehyung made slow steps to one of the few gardens in the school, we sat under an apple tree and the fresh breeze was refreshing, I placed my backpack and orange juice besides me and my laptop on my lap..
"I feel like giving up, my brain can't literally process anything anymore" taehyung said, I laughed...
"I guess it's me and you both" I said amidst laughter..
"I'm so glad we are done with this torture very soon"
Tae said sipping his juice
"By very soon, you mean next two years?" I asked..
Taehyung groaned and I chuckled..
"Don't worry Tae, at least we are in the middle of the year" I said patting his shoulder..
"Did you check your email?" taehyung suddenly asked..
"Not yet, scared" I said hesitating to open my laptop, taehyung pried it off my Lap and opened it... He knew my password..

"Hello Mr park, you have been selected...." taehyung read out, Tae gasped and looked at me, I stared at him wide eyed..
"You're joking right?"
Taehyung stared back at the screen
"... For tryouts, please be available at jeon's modeling agency by 8am on Wednesday...."
I gasped
"Let me see"
I grabbed the laptop from Tae, I was sure he was messing with me, but no.. Right before me was the acceptance letter emailed to me..
"Oh my god" I breathed out
"Your dream came through..". Taehyung said shrugging givin the I told you so look.. I squealed like a baby... And side hugged taehyung..
"I'm so excited, you have to come with me" I said..
Taehyung scoffed
"They didn't say come with a friend, I'm not going with you.. Besides one of us have to attend lectures" taehyung said shrugging, he did made sense..
"Fine" I rolled my eyes..

After having our short siesta, we headed for class..

Jungkook's POV

"Angel?" I cooed as Bora stirred and opened her eyes, she looked around probably wondering when she got here.. I chuckled
"How are you baby" I asked as I walked up to her
"Daddy" she did grabby hands and I carried her in my arms
"You slept good?"
She nodded.. I went to my mini fridge and brought out a can of water, I figured it was too cold and I didn't want her to catch cold or starts having runny nose, I couldn't deal with that right now..
"Daddy is going to get you water, you want water right?" I asked, she nodded..
"Okay I'm just going to make a quick call" I said as I dialed on the telephone..
"Can I get a pack of water?, bring it to my office now" I ordered and set the telephone down..
"Bowa hungwy" Bora mumbled..
"Yeah angel I know, I got you ramyeon... Your favorite.." I said as I placed her on my desk and unpacked the food seokjin got for us.. I set her dish, and made her sit comfortably so she could eat..
"Do you want me to feed you" I asked
She shook her head
"No, can eat by myself"
I shrugged "no arguments, just don't make a mess on my desk"
"You cwean it up" she said.. I chuckled..
A knock sounded on my door and I muttered a come in.. A staff entered carrying a pack of water and bowed, he carried it to the fridge
"Just leave it there, I don't need it in the fridge, just give me a bottle" I said, the staff did as told and bowed before leaving...
"You're gonna be a good girl and not run around while I work, you're going to play in your doll house and not disturb daddy for a while okay?" I said pointing at her huge doll house occupying a corner of my office.. She nodded
We both ate in comfortable silence, not without her messing my desk up.

A spell too far//♥︎JIKOOK ❤️‍🔥Where stories live. Discover now