1 {Cadmus Incursion} Pt 1

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(A/N: I plan for Y/N's fighting style to vary between Deathstroke (Hence the staff and sword), Lady Shiva and Talia Al Ghul. Mainly Deathstroke cause Deathstroke's fuckin awesome.)

Writing key

{Native Language}

Current Location: Arkham City
Current Date: July 4th

Our story currently begins in the industrial district of Arkham City. You see Arkham City is one of the two sister cities to Gotham City with the other being Blüdhaven. And of course like Gotham City it has it's fair share of criminal activity from the lowly common thug to Metahuman's and supervillains. But the city had hope in the form of Batwoman and the Arkham Knight, two members of the Batfamily tasked with protecting the people of Arkham City. 

(I decided to mess with Arkham City a bit and just make it a rebadged Gotham City which it kinda is, also because it fit better with the MR's hero name, and it's also a cool ass name for a city.)

We move into one of the many warehouses that covered the surrounding area, we enter the warehouse and see a a white van parked with a bunch of armed men with military grade weaponry wearing potato sacks on their heads. 

*Distant engines*

The sound of approaching engines fill the air and multiple blacked out SUV's pull up. The door to the lead SUV opens up to reveal a man with light skin, black beard and medium length hair wearing a burgundy jacket with a light pink shirt stepping out. This man was a notorious Chechen Mafia boss. He stepped out with a bunch of armed guards and walked to the rear of the SUV which was opened up to reveal multiple large Rottweilers. 

Chechen: Oh my little princess's 

???: *Muffled screaming* Please! Please! Get them off me! Get them off me!

The Chechen walks over along with another armed guard who was dragging a man who was kicking and screaming. 

Chechen: Look at this, look at what your drugs did to my customer!

???: Buyer beware

Suddenly from the darkness of the van emerged a figure, the figure stepped out to reveal a man wearing a dark colored suit. He seemed normal at first glance, that is until you saw the sack he was wearing on his head. It was a tattered potato sack that was held together by stitches and black lases, with two eye holes cut out, he also wore a noose around his neck. 

This man was Johnathan Crane, a former psychologist at Arkham Asylum, a man who conducted experiments on his patients, experiments some would deem "inhumane" but that was in the past, now he goes by his new name

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This man was Johnathan Crane, a former psychologist at Arkham Asylum, a man who conducted experiments on his patients, experiments some would deem "inhumane" but that was in the past, now he goes by his new name. The Scarecrow. 

Scarecrow: I told you my new compound would take you places, i never said places you wanted to go

Chechen: My business, repeat customers 

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