2 {Cadmus Incursion} Pt 2

663 41 11


???: Time runs short, you must awaken, you must awaken now!

Arkham Knight: *GASP*

My eye's shoot open and i awaken with a gasp. I look around and see all of us are currently suspended in the air with are arms and legs binded. I looked down and saw Superboy staring at us. 

Kid Flash: What? What do you want?! 

Superboy didn't answer and kept staring silently at us. 

Kid Flash: Quit staring, you're creeping me out

Arkham Knight: Kid? Can you do us a favor and not piss off the guy who can fry us with a look?

I then look to my left and see Supergirl also suspended in the air, only she had what looked to be reinforced binders on and something covering her eye's as well. 

Arkham Knight: You alright Supergirl?

Supergirl: Yeah, i can't break these fucking things on my wrists, and i can't seem to melt whatever this is on my eye's, and as a final fuck you it's also lined with lead so that's nice. What am i missing?

Arkham Knight: Superboy's currently standing below us on guard duty

Supergirl: Oh, lovely

Aqualad: We only sought to help you

Kid Flash: Yeah the hell?! We free you and you attack us, some grati-

Aqualad: Kid, be quiet! Something tells me our friend here wasn't in control of his actions

I glance over at Robin and the two of us nod to each other. I wiggle my arms and hear a click, i then bend my finger and place the lock pick into the locks and start fiddling with it. 

Superboy: What if-What if i wasn't?

Kid Flash: Whoa, he can talk?

Superboy: Yes HE can

We all looked at Kid. 

Kid Flash: What? Not like i said it

Aqualad: Am i right in assuming the Genomorph's taught you telepathically?

Superboy: They've taught me much yes. I can read, write, i know the names of things

Robin: But have you seen them? Have they ever actually let you outside your pod? Have you ever actually seen the Sun? Or the sky?

Superboy: Images are implanted in my mind, but no

Aqualad: Do you even know what or who you are?

Superboy: I am the Superboy, a Genomorph. Made from the DNA of Superman, made to replace him should he perish, made to eliminate him should he turn against the light

Upon hearing those words we all look at each other. 

Aqualad: To be like Superman is a worthy aspiration, but like Superman you deserve a life of your own, a life beyond your solar suit, a life beyond Cadmus

Superboy: I live because of Cadmus! It is my home!

Kid Flash: Dude, your home's a literal test tube that you've never been outside of until now

Arkham Knight: You said images of the sun and sky are implanted in your mind right?

Superboy: They are

Arkham Knight: Then let us show you. Free us and we can show you the sky, the sun

Kid Flash: Uh, pretty sure it's after midnight

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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