Chapter 8

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Katie's POV

I stood in front of the ice cream shop with Roy waiting for Barry.

"Barry I'm at the ice cream shop waiting for you." I said into the phone.

"I'll be right there. Is Roy with you?" He asked.

I sighed, "Yeah..."

"Good. If he works with Oliver then he can protect you." Barry answered.

"I can protect myself." I scoffed.

Barry came around the corner and hung up the phone, "So this is Roy!"

"Yes Barry this is Roy. Roy that's my brother, Barry." I introduced the two of them.

They shook hands and Roy said goodbye. Barry and I went inside and ordered our ice cream.

"What's with you and Iris?" I asked as I took a spoonful of my ice cream.

"She's going out with Eddie. I found out when I woke up and now things are different between us. Distant and awkward. It's not the same anymore." Barry replied.

I grabbed his hand, "Hey it'll be okay. Someday she'll realize how great of a guy you are. So who was this guy you stopped today?"

"Some guy that controlled weather. No biggy." Barry shrugged. "I had to create some weird counter clockwise tornado."

"Hey you remember Cole James?" I asked taking another bite of my ice cream.

"Speaking of Cole he's on the news. Look." Barry pointed to the TV behind me.

"Cole James was arrested last night by the Starling City Police. He escaped Central City after a drug deal gone wrong. According to our sources they placed the Arrow and his crusade at the building stopping the arms deal. In Central City only one vigilante interrupted the drug deal led by Cole James. You can see here in this footage that it looks like a young girl fighting these men only to be shot in the leg and carried out by the Arrow." The lady from the news said and changed the subject. "Breaking news! Cole James has escaped Iron Heights!"

"Captain Lance must've made the connections." I turned around facing Barry. "Oh great. I thought I was done with him."

"How is your leg?" He asked smiling.

"Fine. It's great actually. Could've been worse." I shrugged. "Have you seen-"

"This just in! Felicity Smoak has been kidnapped by the Count! A dangerous drug dealer of Vertigo. He's demanded that we turn over the Arrow for her." The news anchor reported.

"Oh my God...Barry we have to go. I need to get there. And fast. But my motorcycle." I stood up and rushed out the door.

"We'll get it later. Hang on." He picked me up bridal style and took off.

Seconds later we were in the hideout.

"Oliver what happened?" I demanded.

"Luckily Sarah can do some minor hacking. She pulled up footage. The Count took her from her car. The count is a dangerous drug dealer who deals with Vertigo." Oliver explained. "He knows of my vow to not kill anymore. He's taunting me."

"We have to get her back." I said.

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