Chapter 14

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Katie's POV Few Weeks Later

"Barry I'm off!" I said tying Max's cage to the back of my bike.

Max ran to me and jumped into my arms.

"Oomph you're getting heavy!" I sighed and put him in the cage.

Barry walked out with my Nike back pack, "You be careful out there in Starling."

I slung the bag over my shoulder and put my bow on the front of my motorcycle. I waved goodbye to Barry and took off.

My plan is to surprise Roy and Oliver in Starling City. Roy and I have been texting nonstop. I wanted to spend a lot of time with Roy and training with Oliver. Oliver and I have gotten really close lately almost as if we're brother and sister but something in me says different.

I pulled into the club, let Max out of his cage, and grabbed the rest of my things. The club was empty even Thea wasn't there working on the inventory. I opened the door to the hideout and ran down the stairs with Max. I dropped all of my stuff and looked up to see Oliver pointing an arrow at me.

"Whoa there. It's just me Oliver." I raised my hands up holding my bow in one of them.

He lowered the bow and shifted nervously. Felicity and Diggle kept their eyes down not making eye contact. Oliver was blocking something that was on the table. My eyes diverted to the table and I noticed there was a person laying on the table.

"Who's on the table? Where's Roy?" I demanded.

Max whined as if he sensed something was wrong.

Oliver stepped away from the table towards the case revealing Roy lying on the table, dead.

"What happened?" I growled tears streaming down my cheeks.

"There was an early morning arms deal this morning. He was shot and killed. He saved my life." Oliver murmured looking down at his feet. "Said I was to take care of you."

"Max. Stay." I ordered.

I grabbed my bow, quiver and my suit taking off up the stairs. I ran and ran putting on my suit in the process unsure where to go.

Oliver's POV

"We have to bury him." I stated turning to face Diggle and Felicity.

"You need to go after her." Felicity said giving me a hard look.

"She needs her space." I replied.

"She needs you Oliver." Diggle added. "Go."

I grabbed my jacket and took off up the stairs. I got on my bike and sped off to a place where I might know where she is.

Katie's POV

I fired an arrow and another. And another. All three hit the bullseye at the end of the room. I remembered Oliver telling me about a backup hideout so I ran there.

"Katie..." I heard Oliver say behind me.

I lowered my bow and froze in my spot.

"I'm sorry..." He murmured, his voice getting closer.

I didn't move only my grip got tighter on my bow.

"It's time to bury him..." Oliver continued.

His hand reached my shoulder and I collapsed in his arms. His arms wrapped around my back rubbing it comfortingly. I made no sound. I wasn't even crying. I just stayed in his arms not moving.

He pulled his head away and cupped my cheek gently, "Let's go...."

I nodded and grabbed my bow following him up the stairs.

"Sorry I kind of used your other hideout." I murmured as we climbed on his bike.

"Don't sweat it." He picked up his phone and dialed Felicity. "Meet us at the cemetery with Roy and a stone."

He hung up and we rode in silence to the cemetery. He stopped at the entrance and we got off. He wrapped an arm around my shoulder as we walked in. Diggle had the hole dug and there was a black bag with Roy's body lying next to it. Felicity handed me the stone and Oliver handed me a knife to carve into it. As Diggle and Oliver carefully placed the body in the hole I carved a few simple words in the stone.

Roy Harper
A friend
A hero

The hole was covered up and I placed the stone on top of the next dirt.

Oliver leaned down and whispered, "Max is with Thea."

"Thank you..." I replied.

We all stood there staring at the stone too upset to move. Finally I broke down and hugged Oliver burying my head in his leather jacket. I felt Felicity pat my shoulder as her and Diggle walked away after a while.

I don't know what to do now.

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