Noodles (Rain x Sodo)

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yet again very short but this was in my
drafts and I wanted to post another chapter :P
If you couldn't tell yet...sodoxrain is my all-time
favorite ship D:


It was around 10 at night. It was a Friday, which meant, no work tomorrow. And Rain was overjoyed, to say the least. After a long week of nonstop traveling, your boys tired.

Pretty much all the ghouls chilled by themselves, except Sodo and Rain. They both cuddled next to each other on the large L-shaped couch Copia had stolen from sister Imperator's house a couple of weeks ago. Weirdly, she still has no clue. Rain's head rested nicely on Sodo's chest while he laid his back on the couch. His hands caressed the side of Rain's body. Rain loved it when Sodo gave him attention.

Moments after watching two people completely fight to the death on the large flat screen, Sodo felt the water ghoul's stomach rubble. "You hungry?" He asks looking down at Rain. He looked up, "Yeah kinda. I only ate like...once today...minus a snack." Rain laughed at his words. Sodo pushed himself up, making Rain move and switch positions so Sodo could stand up from the couch and walk over to the kitchen.

"You should have told me. What do you want to eat, darling?" The water ghoul's face turned a hue of pink hearing Sodo call him, 'darling'.

"I dunno...honestly. I kinda want noodles." Rain answered.

Sodo nodded before going on his tiptoes and grabbing two packs of noodles for the both of them. He filled a pot with some water and placed it on the stove. After turning it on, he returned to the living room to sit with Rain again.

"The waters boiling. Why didn't you tell me you were hungry?" Sodo asked, lightly kissing Rain's now flustered cheeks. Rain sat still before shrugging his shoulders, "I wasn't hungry before. I had a snack a while ago." He explained cupping Sodo's cheeks. "Still..." Sodo murmured.

Bubbling was heard from the kitchen, making Sodo get up from his chair and tend to the stove. He opened the packs of noodles and placed them in the water. He heard footsteps coming from behind him, so he looked over his shoulder to see Rain sitting on the island. Rain held his phone while fixing his messy hair.

"What? Is there something on my face?" He nervously laughed, lightly wiping his face with the back of his hand. Sodo let out a quiet chuckle, "No, Rainy."

After letting the noodles boil, Sodo turned off the stove and slowly poured some of the water out of the pot then mixed the powder in. "Can you hand me bowls for us?" He asked. Rain hummed a response and stood up from the barstool. He walked over to the cabinet and grabbed two crystal clear bowls and two forks. Rain placed the things on the counter and watched Sodo share their food. (I had a stroke writing this help)

"Thank you!" Rain politely took his bowl and walked back to the island with Sodo following behind. "Of course." Sodo smiles and starts eating his portion.

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