first time being a demon? (Rain)

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1000+ WORDS?????
(ily rain)

It was going on your bedtime; 10:00. You step into your bed getting comfortable. The bed was icy cold, just how you liked it. And you even finished having a fulfilling dinner with your friend. He was going to stay a night at your place but you simply told him no due to you having to work very early the next day.

You snuggled under the covers after you switched on your nightstand light. Your eyes slowly start to shut after your every blink. Soon, you were asleep.


"Pap- no!"
"uhm...the hell do I do...?"

Small murmurs fill your room without you having a clue in the world. You tossed over before shuffling was heard. You furrowed your eyebrows, unconsciously.

"fuck!" A big bang echoed throughout the room.

Your eyes finally opened at all the ruckus. You let out a dry cough, then pushed your body up with your right arm. "wha-" You turn your head and squint your eyes to try to see better, but it didn't work. You turn on the light in urgency before you let out a scream filled with fear. You feel your body tense up as you stare at the figure. It was tall. Devilish horns sprouted from the top of their head, and a long tail fell from behind them. He was a male. A male ghoul at that. You remembered reading books about mythical creatures, and he might have been one of the many creatures you read about. His skin was a light, but dirty gray color with a hue of blue. His eyes were an ocean blue with specks of white. It was surely beautiful. He oddly wore black jeans with a couple of rips on the knee and a black graphic tee. You looked down at his feet and saw...he had purple socks on. You cocked your brow at his attire.

Soon your eyes met with his. Weird enough, he was very pretty to you. You tried to put the thought away and start thinking about the more important things... Like WHY is this creature in your house? He cracks a nervous smile. And at that point, you let out the screamious scream you've ever screamed. You prolly even woke up the whole neighborhood. You grabbed you're pillow from behind your body and chucked it right at his face. Finally deciding to get up, you quickly crawled over to the right side of your bed and grabbed the nearest object you have to finally defend yourself - your broken guitar fretboard.

For some context - you broke your acoustic guitar because of  FEMALE RAGE!!

You point the object right at the ghoul, keeping your eyes locked on him. YOu watched his every move. He slowly brought his hand up to scratch the back of his head and to move his hair out of his glossy face. He was clearly sweating bullets.

"Uhm.." The ghoul manages to let out. His hand fell to his side. "I- I don't mean to bother your sleep." He takes his eyes away from yours. You scrunch your face up in confusion. "He talks?" You thought.

"Who are you?" You question rather aggressively. He gazes at you again before speaking,

"I'm...Rain...You c-clearly don't know me but- I was summoned here? I-I didn't want to though!" He shoots his hands up in defense, "I was kind of forced..." He stammers over his words. Without realizing it, you start to straighten your body... feeling less...scared.

"Summoned?" You ask letting the so-called 'weapon' fall out your hand. The large ghoul in front starts fidgeting with his hands, "Yeah...I come from hell. I was assigned to be your sleep demon for tonight but I've never done this before."

Finally taking in his words, you let out a giggle. You lightly slap your hand on your cheek. Stress starting to fill your eyes. "This is a joke, right? I'm dreaming!" The ghoul just stands confused. He watches as you try to pinch your arm. "N-no? I don't think so?" He then starts to pinch his own, letting out a yelp. Quickly, you glared in his direction seeing a small stream of blood fall from his very...veiny arm. NO TIME FOR THAT!

"Wha- How did that happen? You walk with an immense amount of caution toward him. He looks down at you, "I didn't clip my nails this week...They're kind of sharp." He tensely laughs turning his hand over and showing off his nails. They were well done. They weren't painting or anything, however, they were sharp and looked well-kept. You notice how his hands are constantly shaking. So, you gently grasped his hand and gave them a light squeeze.

"Why are you shaking?" You ask softly, looking up at him. He turns his head away and scratches his cheek, "This is very nerve-racking..." He responds quickly as if it was all one word.

"Your nervous? I should be the nervous one! You're some kind of hell-created demon creature! In my house at that." You tug on his hand to make him sit down on your bed. He almost lazily follows then slowly places himself on the mattress. "Stay here, I'll get you a band-aid." You walk into your bathroom, which is in your room, then come back out with bandaids and a nail file.

"Here. I have a nail file if you want to file your nails. If not just place it on my dresser." Rain nods and takes the file. You open the bandaid and sticked hit on his scratch which was now dried. You stand back and watch him file the HELL out of his nails. While he did so, you took it as an opportunity to take a good look at him again. For him being a ghoul, you didn't think he'd have facial hair. Kind of weird in your eyes. He has a full head of hair that falls to the tip of his shoulders. Bearly brushing them. Though he doesn't have facial piercings, you noticed that his ears were full of them. (piercings) He had an industrial, three helix rings, and a couple of earlobe piercings. You thought it was pretty cool...maybe because you literally only had a nose ring and two earlobe studs.

You snapped out of your thoughts right when he thanked you for your kindness. You smiled and nodded, "of course. You aren't as scary as I thought you were..." He nervously laughs again, "Maybe because I'm not doing my job right." He jokes. You both laugh. There was a moment of awkward silence before Rain stood up. He literally hovered over you.

"Well- this was awkward enough...I think it's my time to leave." You smile, "Yeah...I'm hella tired anyway. But uh..thanks for stopping by?" You attempt a joke but get a "huh?" out of the ghoul. "N-nothing." He shrugs and then walks to the corner of the room, the same place he was summoned. You sit on your bed watching him. You wave as If this was some kind of sad love story and depressing music was playing in the background. He waved back, then, as if on point, he was gone.

You sit still on your bed trying to comprehend what even happened. I don't even know. I'm just the writer.


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