Finger Fuck (Swiss)🔞

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Found this hiding in my drafts.......
It's short heh- idk what to tell ya
ignore my stupid typos I hate rereading

Swiss pushed you onto his bed, quickly leaning into your neck. He licked and kissed all over it, leaving multiple hickeys. You moaned his name while your hands roamed his back. "Take off your jacket." You urged. He pulled back to d as he was told then went back to devouring your lips. 

"Oh..fuck.." you hungrily bit his lip. He pushed back and stared down at you, absolutely admiring every part of your body, "'re so beautiful." He smirked gliding his hands down the sides of your stomach. His hands were cold, so you winced at the feeling. You bit your lip watching his eyes roam around your body. Your heart races as tension builds in you.

"I want to fuck every hole of yours, angel..." purred Swiss. He lifted your legs so they sat nicely over his shoulders and glided a hand over your ass, giving the flesh a tight squeeze. "Swiss..." You moaned feeling his cool palm on your skin. "You want my dick, don't you?" He asked, giving you low eyes. He started to lift your skirt up reveling your black laced panties slowly as you breathlessly nodded. Your chest rose and fell. You looked at him with needy eyes, "Fuck..." 

He slowly pulled your undergarment down your legs, revealing your cunt. He grinned moving his hands to meet your clit, softly massaging. "What is it, princess?" He asked as he pressed onto it. You bite your lip letting your hand make its way to his. You intertwine your hand with his free hand, giving it a light squeeze, your other hand shifts down to your clit meeting his. This only made him go faster. His thumb moves in a circular motion. A whine creeps from your throat, "Oh god..." tears form in your eyes from the intense ecstasy.

He purs pushing his fingers into you. He leans down to kiss the side of your face, biting at your ear. You let out a gasp before clutching onto his wrist again, which only made his fingers go deeper. He twirled his fingers in you as you grind against his palm eagerly. 

"You want me to fuck you so hard...and ohh so deep, hm?" He curled his fingers, "Is that what you want princess?" You felt a knot form in your lower stomach.

"I'm...gonna-" you start to choke out, you raised your fingers to touch your clit but was slapped away before you can get to it. Swiss pulled his fingers out of you, licking your juices off of them. He moans from your taste.

Once you felt him pulling out you opened your eyes and gave him a confused look. "Why'd you pull out?" You asked trying to catch your breath. You sat up, resting your body weight on your arms. "You did not.." you pouted, realizing he just stopped you from cumming. Swiss gave you a smug look before resting your legs back on the bed.

He leaned down and kissed you on the cheek. You let out an annoyed sigh and threw your head onto the bed. You were pissed. He just finger fucked you and didn't even let you cum? What a jerk.

"I have to go out and get us some food, m'kay?" He stated grabbing his jacket that he threw on the floor before devouring your lips. You watched as he walked out of the room and left the door cracked.

Feeling pissed off and a bit empty, you decided to finish the job yourself.

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