New ghoul

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"Shit man! Why would you do that!" Swiss yelled because sodo won the race in Mario he's been doing for the past five rounds. It's been going on for so long because Swiss kept asking for rematches...he couldn't just accept that he was a total loser.

"The hell did i tell you!" Sodo ginned and placed the controller on the couch. He stood up and stretched, letting out a tired groan.

It was only him, Swiss, Aether, and Sunshine in the living room. The others were prolly sleeping or just doing their own thing.

"Hey, where is that other ghoul? You know the one Papa summoned a couple days ago?" Aether asked after digging his hand in a bowl of candy, "haven't seen him all day."

"You mean Rain?" Sunny said, covering herself with a huge fluffy blanket. Sodo turned over to them, "I walked to him a little. He seems like she doesn't like talking much." Swiss leaned back on the couch, adding on the conversation.

"Yeah. He was he here for breakfast, but then went straight to his room after." Sodo thiugh for a moment. Should he leave him alone? Or maybe just see if he's okay. He hasn't been this worried about a ghoul since The ghoulettes were summoned. They were real bitchy...

"I'm gonna go get something to drink. Anyone want anything?" Sodo asked grabbing his phone off the floor.

"Yeah, just water." Aether said. "Oou! I want orange juice, please." Sunny smiled. Sodo looked at her funny, "ora- o-okay." he nearly laughed.

"Nothing for me. Prolly about to head to bed." Swiss announced. Sodo nodded then walked out the Livingroom.

Once he was in the halls he looked down it. It was protruding chilly in the ministry, kind of unusual. The lights her completely off, but one light coming from the last room in the hallway shined though the door. The ghoul decided to walk down to see what it was, not realizing it was the new ghouls room.

He knocked on the door quietly, giving it a little shove cause it was cracked.

A wave of lavender scent and cold crisp hair technically smacked Sodo in the face. He peaked his head into the room and saw Rain sitting on the floor playing with lego's. Sodo stood a bit confused. This whole time was he just playing the freaking legos?

The water ghoul glanced up and furrowed his brows, "Um- hi?"

Sodo snapped out of his thought's, "Hey, Wanted to check in with you. You haven't been out your room since breakfast." The tall ghoul groaned and went back to building. Faint music was playing, like calm music. Something you could go to sleep too.

"Are those legos?"


The small talk was literally killing Sodo inside.

"Can I come in?" Sodo asked, already opening the door. Rain shrugged, "you're already in here, why not." he smiled faintly.

Without hesitation, Sodo stepped inside and closed the door behind him. He walked over to the ghoul and kneeled down, "Why haven't you been out the room?"

Rain hummed a response. Sodo kind of got the idea, he prolly didn't want to be bothered. That Sodo doesn't think so he still tried to make conversation.

"How long were you in hell for?"

"I'm not sure, I don't really count." His voice was low and smooth. The ghoul was clearly in a calm state. Let's hope mr. bitch over here don't fuck it up.

Sodo hummed and stood up. He glanced around the room. It was very put together. He already had bed sheets, books, and a bunch of clothes; they were piled on a little couch sitting at the end of his bed. A candle was lit on the night stand, 'that's why it's so lavendery in here.' Sodo thought.

"So you're a fire ghoul, How's it feel?"

Sodo nearly jumped, surprised Rain even spoke.

"well- Fine, is guess. Nothing really special. I just can't be in the cold for a long time."

Rain looked up, his aqua blue eyes met Sodo's. "How long did it take you to grow out your hair?" Sodo chucked at his question, "Uhm...I dunno? Like a year? My hair grows out fast."

" nails grow really fast." He looked at his hand. Sodo leaned over to also have a look.

"Fuck those are sharp!" The fire ghoul exclaimed, giving his nails a look...and they were short.

Rain gave a slightly bigger smile, compared to before, "yeah..."

There was a moment a silence before Sodo broke it...of course.

"Have you met the other ghouls?" Rain shrugged, finally standing up. "I mean...I think. I met Swiss, and Mountain. And you, of course." He giggled at the end. Sodo hummed, "well, you should really come out to the living room. We're playing some games and might watch a movie."

Rain smiled, "I'll...think about it..." Sodo felt a weird lump in his throat.

"Well, i'll get going. If I don't see you, have a good night." Sodo walked over to the door and opened it. Rain murmured something that not even I could understand. Sodo walked out and closed the door.

He didn't know what happened. He isn't usually like this. He felt all weird and nervous for nothing!

Walked back up the hallway he stopped at the kitchen finally grabbing the drinks everyone asked for.

Reaching the living after, he saw literally everyone was sleeping. He groaned and placed the beverages on the coffee table. He made himself comfortable on the couch and took an extra blanket. Ladidadikakakak the bitch was sleep.

might make a part two idk😖😖😖😖

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