Business Call (Rain x Sodo)🔞

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Rain pants as Sodo thrusts into him. He grabs onto Sodo's side and digs his sharp nails into his soft pale skin. Rain's bed hits the wall making a banging sound echo throughout the room. Sodo groans once he feels a sharp pain where Rain's hands are placed.

"Augh- You're scratching me." He squeezes his eyes shut as he changes positions. Rain doesn't answer. He's too focused on the pleasure that runs throughout his body. However, he hears Sodo and quickly moves his hands away.

"Why'd you text me so much, hm?" Sodo asks leaning down and kissing up Rain's neck. He purposely breathes heavily along his neck as he speaks to him. "So needy, yeah? Couldn't wait until I got home?" Rain trails his hands up his back again then to his neck. Sodo didn't try to make him speak; he guessed it was one of those days where Rain just simply didn't feel like talking. He respected that. Still, the water ghoul's been sexting Sodo since he left the house about an hour ago. So he quite literally rushed home. Boner and all. Anything for Rain am I right?

The slamming from the bed continues. A throaty groan comes from Rain when Sodo shoves his middle and index fingers through Rain's lips. Already been through this before, Rain sucked softly. The Warm sensation from the ghoul's saliva shot through Sodo's body; awakening something in him.

"You're beautiful, baby." He sighs throwing his head back. Even though Rain didn't say much, he smiled warmly and started to tighten around Sodo.

'Call from, Asher. Answer it?' Sodos phone spoke. It, ironically, sat on the nightstand facing down. Rain's eyes shot open and darted to his phone. Sodo glanced at his phone before reaching for it with his free hand.

"No.." Rain spat Sodo's fingers out of his mouth and tapped his foot restlessly on the mattress. His voice was low and desperate. "He's gonna make you go back, Sodo no!" He whined.

"Just for a second, love." He leaned down quickly and kissed Rain's flushed cheek.

But oh no Sodo didn't stop fucking him. He fucked him harder. Sodo went faster and deeper. Rain arched his back at the sudden movement, covering his mouth so he wouldn't let out some slutty moan. He didn't want to get Sodo in trouble?

"Good morning, Asher. What's with the call?"

"Sodo...!" Rain voiced as low as possible.

"I don't see you here at the office. Where are you?" He asks. Typing was heard on the other line. Sodo throws his head back again. Half because Rain feels amazing, and because he needs to hurry up and think of a lie. Good thing he can multitask.

"Oh yes! My apologies. I'm at the store down the street! There isn't any more water in the fridge, so I thought I should purchase some." It was silent for a couple of moments before Sodo's boss spoke again. "Oh! Well, that's fine, thank you. But please, next time inform me you are leaving. I thought you clocked out early." He chuckled.

All the while they were talking, Sodo started to feel a knot in his stomach; same for Rain. "I'm gonna-" Before Rain could even get his sentence out, he came onto his stomach. He breathes heavily as he watches Sodo glides his fingers through the cum and licks it.

Finally, Sodo pulls out so he can release too. Rain still lays on the bed, he's rubbing his face.

"Okay, thank you for understanding standing, I'll see you in ten?" Asher asks. "Of course." The boss thanks Sodo before hanging up the phone. Sodo practically threw his phone across the room so he could tend to Rain again.

Idk how to end this sorryyy

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