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There, at the edge of the clearing of the forest, they found her—a small figure shrouded in terror. Cold sweat covered her Emotionless and unable to speak, the small figure seemed like a vessel drained of life, a mere shell.

with blood dripping from her hands and chin Symbols etched in blood adorned her clothes, and she remained unspoken not even a tiny whimper or scream came out of the small child, Her parents shake her and bend down in front of her repeatedly asking what happened and if she is okay but the Petrified and unresponsive, little girls presence at the edge of the woods became a mystery that sent ripples of fear through her parents, Little did her parents realize that this encounter marked the beginning of a journey, a journey that would seal her fate. Their voices, laced with panic, pleaded for answers and reassurance, but the small girl remained an unsettling statue—a monument to the inexplicable. As the echoes of that night reverberated through the haunted woods, The dad picks up the little girl and begins to walk back towards the way they came his back turned to the forest from which she was found. The petite child is holding onto her father's neck as he walks, Still petrified she stares lifelessly into the forest as she is being carried away. She closes her eyes and then opens them again to find the tree line occupied by a massive hoard of cloaked figures with masks on.

 One of the figures who bears an owl mask moves forward and points at the girl, the small girl finally breaks the silence and screams pointing at the Woodline and as the father and mother turn around. They find absolutely no one there at the edge of the woods and see nothing but big, tall trees. The young child's father turns back around and quickly heads towards their home. On the way back him and his wife go to rush across the street just down the street from their house. And WHAM! The loud sound of tires screeching and bodies hitting pavement echoes throughout the cold air. The father and mother had been hit by an oncoming vehicle due to them being in such a rush they didn't even hear it coming nor think to look before crossing the road, The young girl rolls out of her dad's arms unconscious. A tall lengthy man gets out of the car and starts to panic as he just hit 3 people, His wife gets out of the car and says "Charles dear what do we do now? What do we do!" Charles looks back at her and says, "Helena cover the boys' eyes he doesn't need to see this."

Charles goes and picks up the body of the father and makes his way to the back of the car opening the trunk after setting the father down and he picks him back up sliding him inside. He then walks back over to the area where the mother was hit and puts her in the back of the trunk as well and closes it quickly. A young, frightened boy sits in the back of the car with his mother Helena still covering his eyes. As the father gets back in his car as he does, he notices the small girl and gets back out and puts her in the back as she is still unconscious, and he takes her to the nearest hospital and leaves her in their care saying he found her that way. Charles, wasting no time at almost a sprinting pace, makes his way out of the hospital and back into his car. He drives off and stops a few miles down the road dumping the bodies in the river nearby and drives off returning to his home with his wife and small child. Never seeing nor hearing about any missing people being reported Charles and Helena assumed they were safe to relax about hiding the bodies. Not long after this Helena gets Septicemia.

And Charles turns to Alcohol to try and ease his suffering of losing his wife. But the small boy remains, and he has no idea what has happened or what fate has instore for him.

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