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R. L

My jaw was slightly slacked and my eyes wide in awe as I took in the small but cute Airbnb that would be my home for the next four days. My bag slipped off my shoulder as I walked around and checked out the rooms. There were two bedrooms, a kitchen, a sitting room, a small dining room, and a really pretty backyard. The backyard was small but had a small pool, jacuzzi, and just an overall aesthetic vibe to it. I loved every bit of this so far.

"The pictures are going to go so hard" Ruby squealed as she herself examined each room in excitement. "Ugh can it be the morning now?" She shook my shoulders and jumped up and down, unable to contain her emotion. I don't blame her, I also was actually pretty excited to go to the festival but also nervous. Mainly excited.

"Should we get settled and then go walk around the resort? Or whatever the hell this area is considered" the Airbnb was in an area of all other rental homes that were strictly for festivals in the desert. There's was even a main checkin building so it's gotta be considered a resort or neighborhood or something.

"Yes. I ordered pizza to come in about an hour so we can do a lap then come eat and sleep. We will need a lot of rest for tomorrow, it's a long ass day" she reminded me. We shoved our things into our rooms, bringing in the stuff we packed in the car like water and lots of snacks to have when we were drunk.

After putting things away so it wasn't cluttered, we left the house and locked it up to go look around. The second we stepped onto the street you could see lots of people loading up their own houses for the weekend. We even saw some girls making tiktoks out front and taking pictures- influencers. "I have a feeling we will be seeing lots of those this weekend" Ruby mumbled as we walked by. We waved kindly and they brushed us off, as expected honestly. "I hate girls who think they're too good for others. Like girl your hot and I would so fuck You but not with that attitude" she scoffed.

I gave her a look and rolled my eyes. "Ruby your so going to hook up with one of those girls by the end of the weekend" I pointed out as she continued eyeing them up.

"Ok I wouldn't be opposed" she giggled. "Rather one of them than a crusty man. I'm telling you Bama, women are just so much nicer in bed" Ruby was bisexual- but definitely more into women then men. She always told me I would be better fit for a women's partner then a man's but I have been on a few dates with women and it just wasn't for me. I couldn't catch a vibe.

"I've tried dating you know this. Though, maybe I'm the problem" I frowned.

"Please. Your a hot blonde with a girl next door personality. It's not your fault babe" she rolled her eyes. "Oh look, boys" she nudged me and pointed out a house full of guys bringing their shit in. I blushed as she waved at them, them waving back all hollering obnoxiously. I observed one of them carrying a tripod into the house- more influencers.

"Not those ones, Rube" I muttered quietly and she was quick to nod.

"Hell no" she agreed. We made our way around the neighborhood, scoping out the land and locating the shuttle stop for tomorrow and then going back to our house. The second we closed the door we were met by a knock from the pizza guy so it was perfect timing.

We are our pizza, both buzzing with excitement. "I don't know how I'm supposed to sleep" I admitted. "Like I'm so nervous but I'm also so excited. Not a good combination for someone who needs adequate rest"

"Girl I'm taking like, a million melatonin gummies" Ruby laughed. "Actually no, maybe I'll take valerian root. That shit knocks me on my ass"

"Honestly I might do the same" I hopped up and grabbed the bottle of valerian root from Ruby's toilet-tree bag and we both took a capsule and swallowed it down quickly. "Alright we got about half an hour and then we're out like a light"

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