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The next day, me and Ruby made the executive decision to not go to the festival during the day while the sun was blaring down on us in the desert. Instead, we decided to drink at the house by the pool until the sun started to set so we could go see Kelsea Ballerini and Morgan Wallenon both on the main stage.

Ruby was hungover while I was not because I didn't really get drunk. I was kind of disappointed in myself for not allowing me to fully let loose on my twenty first but also, I was out of my comfort zone all day. I hung out with strangers- cute boys at that- and danced with one of them all night. I wouldn't allow myself to get too disappointed due to that.

"Have you texted Trevor? Tell them to come hang" She asked from her soir laying face down on the couch. She never even made it back to her room, she slept on the couch last night and was still in her festival clothes. "That's your man for the weekend, Bama"

I rolled my eyes and pulled out my phone, looking at my Home Screen which already had a notification from a few minutes ago of Trevor texting me. I was slightly in shock that he actually did text me and also nervous to answer but I knew I had to stop pussying out and respond. Guys like him don't come around everyday.

Goodmorning Alabama😏

Goodmorning Trevor!
Me and Ruby are staying home to hang today then heading to festival later
We're gonna just hang by the pool and pregame here

Lowkey same
Being there all day isn't worth it😂
Are you inviting us or do I have to beg?

You guys are invited
I'll send the address, just let me know when your on your way
Ruby is half dead

Hahahaah you got it gorgeous
See you soon

I blushed as I sent the address, throwing my phone on the coffee table as my hands shook in both excitement and nervousness. I gathered my thoughts and grabbed Ruby's hands and pulled her up to sit. She groaned and slumped back against the couch, looking like an absolute mess but also still looking good. I was so jealous of her.

"The guys are coming over. Get up" I ordered her. She seemed to awaken a bit more as she sent me an evil grin with her eyebrow raised. "Don't do this shit" I pleaded.

"Your little boy toy? Slay" she stood up on her own, stretching out her arms and back in the process. I heard a few cracks, sounded like the couch wasn't the best place to sleep after all. "I know you didn't pack a cute bathing suit but lucky for you, I did. He was all over you yesterday now imagine him seeing you in the cute ass bikini I packed for you." She grinned evilly as she dragged me into her room and over to her suitcase. I watched unamused as she rummaged through her things before squealing as she pulled out a white bikini, throwing the pieces of fabric over at me.

I held it up with a slacked jaw at how tiny these were. Now I didn't have big tits by any means but Ruby was thin and really didn't have much in the boob department; basically there's no way my tits are fitting in this top. "Rube you know this isn't covering me" I rolled my eyes.

"Ok and? We don't dress for men in this house. Put it on, look hot, and make him drool because it makes you feel good. Not because you want him to want you" she crossed her arms over her chest. "Your wearing it even if I have to force it on you"

She wasn't kidding either. She also had a point. I can wear whatever I want to wear and if I'm uncomfortable then I'll put a tee shirt on. Fuck it, I'm supposed to be stepping out of my comfort zone. "Fine I'll humor you and put it on but I can't guarantee I'll wear it" I snatched it from her hands while she cheered happily and pulled out a black one piece with all these intricate cut outs, basically making it no longer a one piece.

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