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Me and Trevor laughed as Cam was clearly hitting on Ruby but the poor man did not know that she really wasn't all that into men. Especially when she was eyeing up a pretty red head girl that danced a couple feet away with her friends. "Cam is catching a major L right now" Trevor laughed loudly from beside me.

It was evening now, the sun setting over the main stage as the crowds all came to gather around the stage for the headliner. We as a group decided to hang towards the back; we would be able to hear just fine and have room to breathe from back here. And yes I said 'we as a group'. Trevor and his friends were really cool and they weren't creepy or pushy and they were easy to talk to. Of course, Trevor himself was loud and a bit cocky as mentioned before but he was harmless.

They willingly spent the day with us even with my constant reminder to them that they really didn't have to. They all were quick to brush it off, telling both me and Ruby they were having fun with us. By now, a lot of my anxiety was a thing of the past and I was content. Of course, there was the feeling of my shyness haunting me every time Trevor made a semi-flirtatious comment towards me. I couldn't fathom that someone as pretty as him would actually mean it but still hearing it made me a bit nervous.

"Ruby would like him better if we a women" I giggled, sipping from my water bottle. I was alternating between drinks and water as best as I could to help me last the whole day and so far it had been working. The slight buzz in my veins helped with my social etiquette as well.

Trevor looked at me in shock for a second before narrowing his eyes over at Ruby and nodding. "You know I see it. She's way too cool to be with a dude" Trevor shrugged. He then turned back towards me, eyeing up the water in my hand. "Let me know when you want another drink. It is your 21st birthday you know." He raised his eyebrows at me.

"I have been drinking. I just- I don't know it's the first day at the festival and my first ever festival so I just wanted to scope out the vibes before I got drunk" I admitted. He nodded in understanding.

"I get that. But also, nobody here is fucking with Ruby. She's scary" He pointed out which I couldn't help by agree. He was right. Ruby could definitely be scary for a girl as skinny as herself. "But that means tomorrow we're rallying, right?" He smirked.

I couldn't help but blush as he mentioned tomorrow, insinuating that he would want to see us tomorrow. I brushed my hair from my face and made sure to take the time to pick at my shorts, hoping to hide my rosy cheeks. "Maybe" I shrugged. "I doubt we're gonna see you guys though. I mean, we met you because I almost took you out." I laughed quietly.

"Come on, Alabama. Are you trying to get rid of me?" He asked quietly with a small smirk. "I like you, I'd happily let you take me out- in more ways than one"

There was another flirty comment. I laughed and shook my head, still managing to find my frays on the hem of shorts interesting. "No of course I'm not trying to get rid of you. I just didn't think you guys would want to hang with us again."

"Well Alabama," he gently used his hand to lift my head up and meet his gaze. "I had every intention of seeing you tomorrow. To ensure that, why don't you give me your number? We can meet up before even getting on the shuttle" I was mesmerized by the softness of his stare and the feeling of giddiness building in my core. This felt too good to be true.

"Oh ok" I grabbed his phone from him and inputted my number, sliding it back and watched as he smirked proudly to himself while putting it away for safe keeping. I opened my mouth to say something when the shouts of the crowd roared its head and drew our attention towards the main stage.

It was the person before the headliner. "That's not even Luke Bryan!" Trevor scoffed. It was Dierks Bentley though who I did like some of his songs. "He's cool too though, let's go over to those lunatics. Do we or do we not tell Cam about Ruby?" Trevor stood up from where we sat away from the big crowd, offering me his hand. I happily took it but quickly let go once I was up and brushed off my shorts.

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