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R. L

"Stage Coach: how we doing tonight?" Morgan Wallen's voice travelled over the crowd causing every person to erupt in a roar of excitement. I jumped up a little, giddy from the effects of the alcohol and the buzz running through the crowd as the headliner prepared for his set. I was definitely feeling the alcohol a lot more than yesterday making me able to actually enjoy myself. Also, coming in late proved to be a good idea as there were no crowds all rushing to the entrance and I wasn't as anxious- also making it a lot easier to be relaxed.

'Thinkin 'bout me' started blasting through the air and Ruby shrieked in my ear, jumping up and down with her arms wrapped around me. This was her favorite song. "I'm gonna get more drinks after this song, I just can't miss this one" she informed me with a big smile, immediately beginning to sing the words to the song.

"I'll go get some. Be right back" I also needed another beer so I downed the rest of mine and started over to on of the trucks selling drinks. An arm found it's way around my shoulders, startling me, but I knew who it was based off of the familiar feeling of defined muscle- and the sight of a tatted forearm. "Oh hi Trevor" I giggled, glancing up at him.

"Hi beautiful" he flirted. "Are we getting more drinks?" He asked.

"Yep, you don't need to come I can get everyone's drinks" I assured him but he sent me the look I had already expected him to send. I've known him for a little over twenty four hours yet I feel so comfortable around him, so normal. Like I've known him my whole life. Of course, I still had those stupid butterfly nerves but that wasn't because of discomfort it was because he was hot as fuck and all his flirting took my breath away. I couldn't fathom the idea that someone like him would want someone like me.

"Please Bama, you know I'm not letting you do that. Plus, any chance I get to be alone with you I'll take" he grinned as my cheeks flushed and I shook my head while biting back a smile.

We walked up to the bar truck and ordered a fresh round for everyone. While he was fishing for his wallet I quickly handed the guy cash to pay for all the drinks, seeing Trevor gaping at me out of the corner of my eye. "Thank you, have a nice night" I told the guy working the truck as I grabbed three of the drinks while Trevor grabbed the other two.

"I can NOT believe you did that! You know for a fact I would never let you do that if you weren't so sneaky" he huffed. "And you took more cups than me. Can't you let me be a gentlemen?" He whined jokingly.

"You've been so sweet to me. You and all your friends have been so kind to me and Ruby, we owe you  guys a lot more than a round of drinks so your gonna accept it. End of discussion" I giggled. He huffed but didn't say anything else as we handed out the drinks, keeping the beers we got for ourselves.

Trevor stood behind me, one arm wrapped around me while the other held his beer. It felt so natural, like this is how we were supposed to be. But of course my brain has to get in the way.

"You ok, pretty girl? You tensed up a bit" he chuckled, speaking softly in my ear. I didn't even realize we were pressed so close together that we were practically merging into one. Not that I minded but now I had to make an excuse for my unconscious tension.

"Yeah I just- Im not a huge fan of this ipa but I'm obviously drinking it. Im not a waster" I half lied. I wasn't a huge fan of my beer but that was obviously not the reason for my body tensing.

"Try mine" he ordered, handing me his beer. I did as told, realizing his was actually really good. "Do you like it?" He asked.

"Yeah that's good, I'm going to get that next" I laughed, going to hand it back when he pushed my arm back down.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28 ⏰

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